laughter you all remember that eric took the opportunity as the school board to propose to hydra i dont know what is he going to do tonight but if he does something im going to ask ohio draz parent to just close our eyes anyway hydra step forward with our family and repeat after me i. repeated. do seldom swear. repeated. that i will support and defend. Rpdz. Constitution of the United States and the constitution state of california. repeated. against all enemies foreign and domestic. repeated. it i will bear true faith and alliance to the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of california. repeated. that i take this obligation freely. repeated. without any mental reservation laughter . Come on spit it out. repeated. or purpose of evasion. repeated. and that i will well and faithfully. repeated. discharge the duties. repeated. upon which i am about to enter. repeated. and during much time as i hold the office. repeated. a member of the brvkts. repeated. of