Doctrine or keep it. Chief Justice Roberts well hear argument first this morning in case 221219, relentless versus the department of commerce. Mr. Martinez. Oral argument of Roman Martinez on behalf of the petitioners martinez mr. Chief justice, and may it please the court for too long, chevron has distorted the judicial process and undermined statutory interpretation. It should be overruled for three reasons. First, chevron violates the constitution. Article iii empowers judges to say what the law is. It requires them to interpret federal statutes using their best and independent judgment. Chevron undermines that duty. It reallocates Interpretive Authority from courts to agencies, and it forces courts to adopt inferior agency constructions that are issued for political or policy reasons. In doing so, chevron blocks judges from serving as faithful agents of congress. It mandates judicial bias and encourages agency overreach. And by removing key checks on executive power, it threatens i
All these called the work their way out as is really dry air in the middle part of the atmosphere continues to take over today. That means we will end up with lots of sun and also low humidity as well. Midtoupper 60 s is where we are headed second. Ocala, 65. 67 deland. We ll make it 66 in news on a beach and 67 in cocoa. But getting traffic update. Ted a live shot of the dot cameras i95 north down. That is the garden street offramp. Watch as you get off the ramp, a left a lane blocked for a little bit. Goldenrod road by a crash there. You stay with 436 an alternate. 95 still has construction southbound stay road 44. You will lose a left lane so slow that i bit and give those lake mary julie only 11 minutes. Michelle Construction Equipment was jason and it was run over by a dump truck bulldozer. Alex villareal is live with what the company is how the company is reacting. Alex you will not be seeing any machines along i4 operating or moving today. That is because of this death. I for ul
In her court case. Is about an hour and 20 minutes. Today we will continue the discussion we were having, particularly the experiences of slave women. Look at thence to case of Harriet Jacobs, one of the best remembered of the slave narratives. Us to thatoduces dimension of slavery that is exemplified, and we might say central to the experience of slave women and that is Sexual Violence. We will come back to discuss jacobs in relation to todays case, celia. We also talked about wpa narratives and the extent to which some issues, including Sexual Violence violence generally, and Sexual Violence in particular was rather muted in the slave narratives. Toe we have the opportunity take another pass at this question, to try to see this dimension of slavery through the experience of celia. You have all begun to see in your readings for today, there are many ways in which the record and the evidence upon which we rely to discover, explore, and understands the case of celia is a challenging rec
Ill point out as an aside below the entry for george in the inventory are then the other two slaves in this household and they are children. Celias children. One, a girl named jane, who is 3 years old. And im sorry, a girl named viny, who is 3yearold. And the second a girl, 1 1 2 years old, named jane. Both here valued at 150 each and i can tell you that when george is sold when we account of record of georges sale alongside is the sale of celias two daughters out of the newsom household as well. So new evidence allows us to add new layers and think with important nuance about this case. One more i think important question. Slavery and the law of rape. Lets go back to the trial. Part of what you know is that at the end of this trial, the presiding trial judge will instruct the jurors in this case. What does it mean to instruct the jurors. Here jurors are not legal professionals, they dont have any special knowledge of the law, be it of rape, be it of murder, be it of selfdefense. And p
Selfdefense selfdefense. The argument is that celia while she killed newsom, did so defending herself against newsoms commission of a felony, the felony of rape or defilement in missouri. Here the statute that is key to determining whether or not celia was in fact in imminent fear of being raped. Lets read it together. Every person who shall take any woman flauflunlawfully and by force, menace or duress compel her to marry him or to marry any other person, or to be defiled, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprizsonment in the pen penitentiary for not less than five years. Any woman unlawfully against her will. How do you read this as applies to celia . That makes assumption that the woman in question has will in fact. I know that as a slave that they are no such will exists and i think thats why the court did not recognize herself defense claim. Good. So it is any woman against her will. I think one of the key questions here that the court must implicitly resolve for itse