enhanced security is on campus. massive police presence after shots started an hour ago. a standoff unclear how many people are involved inside the home. we don t know any of that at this point, only an attempt to serve an eviction notice turned into gunfire and the scene you have before you. harris: we will come back to you as you gather more details. bring in retired inspector paul mauro, joining me by phone. last hour you said the goal is to keep the situation going as long as you can to negotiate as long as you can to make the situation safer. you heard and i repeated last hour from children s hospital n pittsburgh said the person had been accounted for. that doesn t mean he s in
type situation rather than storm the building and do something that is dangerous. harris: paul mauro, important and great to get your expertise, when you tell us about sidearm rules and laws and different municipalities, you know what you are speaking. we pray for the people of pittsburgh and the garfield neighborhood to bring this to a close quickly without anybodiel getting hurt. should sheriffs deputies have been injured as windows were blown out and they were hit by glas. we ll stay on the story and update you as we get updates. we want to turn our attention to tonight s big news, highly anticipated debate on fox. we are just a few hours away from a major turning point in the race for the white house and
paul mauro. paul: sounds like a lot of rounds and heavy rounds. harris: they do. pawk troublesome. the nightmare situation in situation like this is that you have somebody who has far more ammunition than the police do. we have seen this happen early on in this event. harris: you said that last hour and said some communities don t want the police to have what a need to fight a situation like this. this is a gun fight in progress or has been in the last hour and we re hoping that situation doesn t continue. hope is not a strategy, come with what you have. how could one person outgun an entire police department? paul: first blush of the event, use new york city, police
your last quick thoughts? paul: one thing they will do now, they have luxury of time, learn as much as you can as quickly as possible about the person you are dealing with. hopefully there is just one person and there are no hostages. the fbi will be helpful, they can gather a profile quickly off name and dob. police departments can do it well, fbi can tell you if they traveled, their pas port status and you can get a good snapshot of who it is quickly thchl is advantage of having federal equity. if i m running this scene, one thing i m doing, have somebody deputized to be my intel officer. i want to know who i m dealing with before we make contact even if there is not a hostage, you will have a host negotiation
we can use involuntary removal for people who can t take care of their basic needs we might have this problem again. attorneys for neely s family tell them it s an advertisement to soften the view of daniel penny. we never called him a white supremacist, we called him a killer. the marine vet is free on $1 hundred thousand bail and faces up to 15 years in prison and due back in court in july. dana: thank you, nate. daniel penny also telling the post that everybody who has ever met me can tell you i love all people, all cultures. you can tell by my past and all my travels and adventures around the world. i was planning a road trip through africa before this happened. joining us now retired inspector