every conceivable sense of the world a game changer. i think the days of declaring that we ve contained isis because we ve disrupted a supply route here or a cell there are over. it s more obvious than ever now that a really robust holistic approach probably military-led campaign is going to be needed. whether that s led by the undyu or a coalition remains to be seen. but that s certainly the next step that national security officials will be looking at this week. tom, as you look at this in terms of who has both the political will and the ability to take on isis and sort of deny them this safe haven that they now have inside syria, inside libya, do the french may have the will as francois hollande said, do they even have the military ability to do that? oh, yes certainly i think they do. if you look at especially the french special forces unit, their support groups, they have a number of different yupts that
prior to the paris attacks. the target truck just outside the libyan port city, home to radical islamic groups including isis. in february you ll remember egyptian warplanes wom s bombed islamis targets after islamist state released a video of christians being killed on the shores. peter cook says the target may on that have been in the video. they say on november 13, the u.s. military conducted an air strike in libya. and while not the first u.s. strike against terrorists in libya, this is the first u.s. strike against an isil leader this libya and it demonstrates
going further in debt is the answer. whether we go further in debt is one debate, whether we go further into the middle east using the resources that we do have, as we look at what the president has said and done, does the u.s. military need to be doing more? after the bombing i m sorry? what i would say is we need to look at how isis came to be and how chaos and instability came to infect that region. every time that a secular dictator has been toppled, we ve wound up with chaos. so one of the points in the debate the other night was people were commenting that isis is now in libya. yeah, isis is in libya because when we toppled gadhafi, we left chaotic failed state and isis has filled the vacuum. isis is in syria because we poured arms in, sawed decide arabia poured arms in. and we basically even our
a lot of young folks would have been out there. and you see the bar that this young man would have been at that we just heard from, the very south end of that map, the belle equipe bar is where he was at and then the othether sites farther north. air strikes one conducted friday against an iraqi national who was a long time al qaeda operative and senior isis leader in libya. jennifer griffen is here with the latest on that. well, the target of the u.s. air strike in libya was not untold. the overall leader of isaiah al bag taddy, a senior defense official told me that two american f-15s conducted the air strike yesterday against the head of isis libyan affiliate. i m told he had connections to isis in raqqah and with the leader baghdadi. the air strike was planned days
already irrelevant. that won t change. but there will there are fundamental questions about whether you ll ever have an iraq or a syria. just as big are the questions inside yemen inside saudi arabia, inside libya. you have already four or so failed states, iraq, yemen, libya, possibly others. the complex shopion of states could change. analogy is the 30 years war. joe remembers it. first half of the 17th century. it was a good one. some great music came out of that. decade of political religious struggles. i think this has the potential because there is so much fuel, you mix politics and religion it is toxic, you have insiders outsider civil wars proxy wars. no reason to think this won t go on for a while. first time anybody tried to put a fuzz box with a man mandolin. no bounds.