kilgore trout, dna harvester (@KT So It Goes) June 27, 2021
(Cawthorn, incidentally, failed to show up.) kilgore trout, dna harvester (@KT So It Goes) June 28, 2021
Golden prose: Daniel Hill, for the Riverfront Times,
‘Inside Gun-Surrendering Criminal Mark McCloskey’s Very Sad St. Louis Rally’:
… Grievance and untethered delusion topped the menu at the event, with McCloskey and a roster of speakers largely unknown outside the fever swamps of the far right taking turns condemning everything from critical race theory (their newest and most nonsensical bogeyman) to “cultural Marxism” (George Soros’ fault of course, but how dare you level accusations of antisemitism) to the “radical left” agenda of (hahahahaha) Joe Biden. The whole gun-and-pony show was in service of McCloskey’s deeply stupid run for U.S. Senate, because if there’s one thing that qualifies a man for public office in the Republican party in 2021 it’s a willingness to point a firearm at th