What we face is not about a binary of picking a side, this is not a sport. Rather is about right and wrong. There is no doubt in my mind that in the past, many of the folk I have presented and described would have either been incarcerated or institutionalized. This is why I think it might not be a bad idea to bring back mental health institutions. I admit it may be an unpopular sentiment but what can I say, it is what I think. Either these folks are the dumbest people on earth, or hatred, intolerance or antisemitism is so deep, that if unchecked, it will become more than any known virus contagious. The herd mentality we see now is a form of pathology that may call for some to be institutionalized before it only gets worse.
What we face is not about a binary of picking a side, this is not a sport. Rather is about right and wrong. There is no doubt in my mind that in the past, many of the folk I have presented and described would have either been incarcerated or institutionalized. This is why I think it might not be a bad idea to bring back mental health institutions. I admit it may be an unpopular sentiment but what can I say, it is what I think. Either these folks are the dumbest people on earth, or hatred, intolerance or antisemitism is so deep, that if unchecked, it will become more than any known virus contagious. The herd mentality we see now is a form of pathology that may call for some to be institutionalized before it only gets worse.