ordered the pentagon to shoot it down as soon as possible. they decided without doing any damage to anyone on the ground, they decided that the best time to do that was out over the water within our, within a 12-mile limit. they successfully took it down. maria: but at what cost? coming up, the new chairman of the house select committee on china, wisconsin congressman, former marine mike gallagher, also a member of the house armed services and intelligence committees on how much damage has been done in one week after the secretary of state anthony blinken initially suggests just canceling his trip was enough of a response from america. it s a violation of our sovereignty, it s a violation of international law. and it was very important that we, of course, take the actions we did to protect any sensitive information, to protect our people and to make clear to china that, again, this is an unacceptable as well as irresponsible action. maria: then the surveillance balloon s
2024 is we ll have our own presidential election here in the united states. we re going to be politically distracted. perhaps a third variable playing into this is we have a lot of big defense bills that are coming due, and that s why only some of then some of the plans we ve seen from the biden administration make no sense. they re trying to bottom out the united states navy right at the time when china is gearing up for warfare. so the reality is we don t know when and if xi is going to launch an invasion, but we have to move heaven and everett to arm taiwan heaven and earth to arm taiwan to the teeth because we don t want taiwan s future to become ukraine s present. maria: should we be responding to the ccp putting police stations throughout the world including new york city? we absolutely should. we should shut these things down. this isn t some crazy right-wing conspiracy theory. i mean, this is the new york times reported on these effectively ccp police stations maria:
not to mention all of the intellectual property theft and the impact to american companies. where is this going? well, you just, you just barely touched on a very long list of national security concerns and disasters by this national security team that president biden has in place. you didn t even touch on a manufactured national security crisis at our southern border or an unmitigated military disaster in afghanistan that they were the architects of or that their sternly-worded letters didn t stop vladimir putin from insaiding ukraine. that s before you get to the soft on china approach that has been there from day one, not confronting china over a million dead americans from covid that originated in china, hundreds of thousands of deaths from fentanyl that s coming from china and now we have a spy balloon that violates our sovereign air space for almost a