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National security advisor Keith Kellogg joins us on that in moments. Plus, the house and senaten passing the 1. 7 trillion Spending Bill g the 1. 7 trillion Spending Bill adding to our debt and ejecting even more fuel for runaway inflation. We will talk t we will talk to the republican congressman about that and it is another christmas in russian captivity. He is not the only Americanme Beinrig wrongfully detained abroad. Ambassador and former National Security ambassador on what ther bideien administration should be doing. Maria samarit down with an actow about how his foundation is f honoring our nationous heroes this christmas. Plus, it is called morganss wonderland. A amazing themepark that Givesho Hope T Ro Kids that really need it. How the Families Foundation help to make it a reality. All of that and more as we lookm ahead on sunday morningsund futures. New boarded apprehension number migrants continue to flood the country illegally. Eg customs anald Border Protection reporting more than 233,000 migrant encounters and just november. That is the most of any novembeo on recorstd up 33 from November November 2021. We should also note that this T Informatiohin was released on friday night ahead of theig christmas weekend whenht mostri people arest not focused on the news. S Lieutenant Governor spoke about the Security Risks facing communities. I want to get both of your takes on what it looks like today. What every person in a mallem enforcement knows. En if we apprehend 2 million a year, maybe we apprehend one out of every two or three that actually cross. Now you are talking 6 milliony plus thetw got a ways. People coming here illegally. Re many are c coming with jobs but mixed in are terrorists that we have caught. Criminals wein w have caught. Rapists, murderers, sexes offenders. Harold president does no havt ha plan. He does have a plan. He is allowing america to be invaded. I joining us s now is a retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg. Also National Security advisor and now a fox news contributor. General, Merry Christmas. Thanngk you for joining us on ty christmas morning. De thi really do see this as a National Security risk. Human trafficking, drugs, weal s have people coming for more tha 15fr0 countries and we have absolutely no idea who thecoy a. Just a matter of time until something really disastrousme happens. How dothreal you see it . First of all, Merry Christmaf to a you. Merry christmas to pepper and madison, alex and luke that aret watching right now. Theyght are my grandkids. I look at it besides the numbers. It is the way it is being handled. It is being handled by being ignored. How it was done with president ho trumps you have to get Theum Mexicans involved becausp,e thee are comingd through their bord. The president called and saidid this is basically your problem, tio. He put a lot of pressure on it. If you cannot solve this problem, we will solve this problem. Comments about us using Someomme Type of force. The white house did Announceo Thatn President Biden the secoe week of january will be going to mexico city. Ry he will fly over the borderof c again. He has not been to the borderth and his 50 plus years in washington, d. C. I remember brandon judd the Border Patrol Council Talkinge about the strategy of the cartels. They dont have these people gor to Thets Ports Of Entry which would be the legal way to do itl they go between the ports of entry, suck in all the resourcen that way creating Open Coredo Doorors so they can move that human trafficking, do then nefarious things they want to be doing. E defend against that . They are arguing that title 42, they have no justification. They could keee p it in place, they could do an Executive Order they chose not to. Ey they are taking away another t tool that we have to secure that border. Rd yeah. Two parts to this. T if youre worried about securing the border, you have already lost the fight. That is the reason we looked forward with president trump. Me we tolxid the mexicans, we wille target ther cartels. They are bringing drugs across and they are getting involved in human trafficking. There were comments being made. H the former secretary of defense made a comment, the president talked about targeting militarily the cartels. President trump said we will t have to take some executivo e e action andxe he said you cannot control it. We will ask you to control it oe we will control it ourselves. On we havtre just overwhelmed our community. When they come across a border right now, we have lost that fight. By that time ithatt has will hit local communities and they have not prepared to take the influx the criminals coming across and the refugees themselves. I could talk about this for hours but it is so fundamentalll wrong. S Another Subjecbut has to do with ukraine. President zelinski came before congress. In addition to what wasdo previously out there. A a Patriot Battery Thatnd will be there in ukraine. What will that do to help secur the fight for the ukrainians . This is a great question. Whether we like it or not, complaining about it, we just, need tweo stop it. That train has left the station. We are a proxy to this war. It will be better four everybody. Th e e only place we are heading to H Inea Ukraine and Supportingkr Ukrainiansai right now is eitheb negotiation or russian defeat. They will not negotiate. Neit we have to put ourselves on aat path and we need to tell the russians that. He heading towardads a Military Defeat and what biden needs to do and he has not done it is pick up the phone, he talks about personal diplomacy all the time. You pick up the phone and yout call putin. You say this is what we arel going to do. E militaryph support for ukrainia to defeaist the russian army. F you havetw two options. A Military Defeat of the russiai army or you negotiate. Putin is a historian. Ne this kind of happened back in 1917 when the russian army they can be defeated right now because the russian army has badly badly hurt. They have lost frontline units. They are now refurbishing p 62 tanks. They have not beene used sincewe 1975. We nee need d to apply that pre. The president needs to apply that pressure. Th we are in a fight whether we like it or not as a proxy too th this war. This is the time we need someone like a ronald reagan. Peace through strength. If you dont have that, theve other side does not believe you, it is hard to negotiate. Keith kellogg, Merry Christmas to you and your family and especially your grandkids. Get back to them now. G, thank yo mu for joining us on Sunday Morning Futures. Unda t inflation is throughhr the roof. The crisis at our southern border only keeps getting worse. Instead of doing anything substantial about either of those things, democrats just ran through a massive Spending Bill with the help of senate t before therigh christmas break. Now, how that is going on Withh Republicans in the house when congressman pat phelan joined us next. Not again. Oh no. For the gifts you wont forget. Happy holidays from mercedesbenz. See your mercedesbenz dealer today for exceptional offers. sfx crowd noise. Ref whistle sarah, you got this. Ok . sfx Referee Whistle say, what you wanna say and let the words fall out honestly, i wanna see you be brave with what you wanna say and let the words fall out and let the words fall out but they lost and let the words fall out not really. What you wanna say not where it counts. I wanna see you be brave just wanna see you be brave maria let me get your take on what happens with the lameduck session that starts on wednesday. What bills are in the running for action . They were also need to be a Spending Bill passed, there are those including most democrats and some republicans that want to ram through a major omnibus Spending Bill. If republican take both houses of congress, i think that would be a major mistake if we take control of even one house of congress, i think that would be a mistake. Jason that is senator mike lee warning his fellow republicans back in november not to vote for a Spending Bill if the gop wins control of the house. The 18 of the Republican Senate colleagues did not listen and they help the democrats pass in omnibus bill right before the cosmos break, joining me now and in exclusive interview, republican congressman pat fallon from texas. A member of the Oversight Committee who voted against the bill. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us on Sunday Morning Futures this monstrosity of a bill happened very similar to what i was first in congress and nancy hello waited until december 23 and then she passed through the big bad bills. I am fundamentally not understanding why the senate decided to take it up. They did not have to. Jason the last minute this is Nancy Pelosis mo as you just said, 4155 Page Bill Shutdown occurs at the last minute and a lameduck session and is littered with pork, 12 billion additionally for the irs and the irs agency just got 80 billion in the inflation enhancement act, there i therem is 1000 worse than under president trump. 234,000 illegal border crossings in april, that was 1247 worse, may it was 2,041,000. Which is 937 worse. The problems are the thousand worse. Nancy pelosi in the democrats delusion increase portable Ritual Agents by 1 . It is absolutely absurd. Jason youre a congressman from texas took over the seat held by John Ratcliffe the national intelligence, a good friend of mine from my service in congress with him. But in the last 72 hours, the biden of administration has again argued in court that title 42 is not liable and theyre not going to support it, plus an arizona the Coronado National forest, their forcing governor ducey to take away the border wall that they had put in place. How do they argue this with a straight face when they see the pictures of these people pouring across the board . Jason they are catering to the far left in their party, its a de facto open border, we have 160 countries representing my people that are crossing illegally, 98 people on the terrorist watch list, drugs and the cartels, its unbelievable the policies that joe biden put in place to empower the cartels. We had 28000 pounds of fat know that it been seized since joe biden has been in office we lost 107,000 americans to oakwood overdose, 80000 to fentanyl, most of the fentanyl made in china and ferried to mexico. Basically this is asymmetrical warfare by the Communist Chinese in our country and joe biden does not have the guts to even bring it up to xi jinping when he talks to him. Jason Went 70s Come in here and go to a Port Of Entry and want to claim asylum thats the lawful way to do it but cartels are not pushing them to the Port Of Entry there pushing them through the middle so when they get detained they are supposed to be under the law detained, incarcerated, fined and deported and they are not doing that at all and we see the numbers coming across by hundreds of thousands. I have to move to another topic. I get fired up about that one. I want to talk about the power of the purse, youre on the Oversight Committee. I used to be on the chair of that committee. Nothing to be more bonkers than the appropriators giving these Agencies Money when theyre not complying with the oversight request, the Federal Bureau Of Investigation they got Hundreds Of Millions, the Department Of Justice got Hundreds Of Millions of dollars more money and yet were having all these problems. How are you going to try to tackle that . Just as you said we need to use the power of the purse and paint with bold colors as president reagan said and not soft pastels. These agencies will continue to do what theyre doing unless we show them theres going to be consequences to the actions. If you have information requested by congress to better darn well comply. If you dont this would be repercussion. Its just like a child, if you tell them to stop doing something and theres no repercussion and saying stop it, stop it that will keep doing it and doing it. Thats what we see. Thats why the American People voted for the republicans, we won the popular vote by three and half million votes. The American People want a new direction in this country as well. Jason i would open up the graphic of the 18 republican senators who voted for this monstrosity, these are the people that you can go and you can write questions that you can call and say hey, What In The World were you doing, 18 republicans, there they are, the reason this bill came about and it passed, those people, if they vote know this bill doesnt move forward and yet the cavalry coming over the hill with republicans in control of the house and the bill would look a whole lot better but it didnt happen that way. Congressman pat dowling, thank you for joining us on Sunday Morning Futures. Merry christmas to you and your family. Thank you very much. We celebrated the return of wnba star Brittney Griner who was jailed in russia over drug charges. But marine paul whelan is being held behind bars, hes not the only american wrongfully detained over scene sees. Some of been held for three president ial administration, former National Security advisor Robert Obrien on that when we come right announcer Type 2 Diabetes . Discover the power of 3 in the ozempic® trizone. In my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. Announcer ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. And you may lose weight. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. 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Get started with fast speeds and advanced security for 69. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus ask how to get up to a 750 prepaid card with qualifying internet. Maria t tell us what you believe a Practical Energy policy should look like for the United States asen it relates to nationalas security i as well. Energy needs to be affordable because it supports economic prosperity. It needs to be reliable because y and Nationalan Security Ared linked. That is chevron ceo on M Morningsar With Maria Last Weekg as a Department Of Energy announced it will start repurchasing crude oil for thet Strategic Petroleum reserve. You may remember back in the summer when Energy Prices were soaring. President biden tapped in the effort te tho ease the burden oe american consumer. Lets bring in Robert Obrien the former National Security adviser in the Trump Administration. Ambassador, thank you so much for joining us. Energy is National Security. Merry christmasy. Ry yes c. Merry christmas. Energy is National Security and concerned about what china is doingg and his efforts to thwart this. Greeefn energy where we have too to china t in order to make thee products. Jason, right. Ray to. Seal our filling the petroleum reserve. Natural disaster. We let it go to try to get oil prices down before the midterms. We sold oil that we purchased at a low price and now we are buying at a high price. In great economics, Seeing Thebu Reserve Beint G filled for emergencies. We neer emd pipelines. Pl we have 900,000 barrels of oil. Day. S of bringing in from canada. If we finish the keystone w Pipeline Onle y about 25 miles left to go. Why we are not getting Goodad Iacanadian oil is crazy. We have a pipeline that needs to run through france so that we can deliver clean american lngso to germany w and our allies in central europe. D cewe need to get the french to finish thah t pipeline. We need to get off venezuela,n Iran Andve Russia and rely on or allies about our own domesticme stproduction. You are right, china has the biggest scam of the world. They built a new coal plant every month, it seems like. Th dirty energy, polluting the air. The worst Co2 Admit Errors in the world. High price Green Energy Solar panels being made in china making as profit off the ameria people. We hava e our Energy Policy apo lilittle backwards. It seems like common sense,ea the way you state that they are. Tiktok, what is the right National Policy . What should be the policy as it relates to tiktok . We have to ban it. Th te indians did it, they understood what a National Security threat it was. One ofin the worlds oldest democracies. We nee demd to ban tiktokos immediatelury. They have the potential to track our soldiers, sailors and s olmarines. This app is pernicious. Th iswe need to ban it immediately. President trump tried to ban itw it was reversed by they th administration. This is a real threat to thehe u. S. More than the tracking and the personal data in the geo locating of our american citizens, they are using the algorithms to polarize us andit pull uizs apart as people. U we need to get rid of this thing. It i s worse than a trojan horse. I want to transition, you are the National Security advisor for president trump, prior tora thatns you are the chief Hostage Negotiator under the Trump Administration with greates success. It brought homs, home a lot of. Explain to us what is going on. There are a lot of people this Christmas Holiday that are notso at home that really wish you were at home. Well, one thing i will complement the newad administration on is the Current Special envoy for Hostage Affairs and then National Security advisor are committing to trying to get our hostagesns iohome. E a lot out there. A Record Number brought home during the Trump Administrationu some folks did not get home. I understand and feel that that is a f personal failure. We have folks like paul who you mentioned earlier who is still in russia. Austin who has been held, the longest held american hostage in syria. And even the young sailor being held in japan by an ally. Ou we neengd to get these americans home and we need to get them back to their native soil anded back with their family andat friends oniv this holiday seaso. Tell us more aboutna lieutenant, Thisnt Navy Man whos they are in japan. Japan is an ally. I have read through the detailse of this story. Senator mike lee did some great job on that omnibus and making sure he continues to get paid, but this guy had a medical emergency, it resulted in the death of two, you know, unfortunately, too japanese. I would think the good people of japan would see fit to let him tcome home to the united state. Well, you are right, jason. Gi the whole situation was tragic. The lieutenant was driving withf his wife and family. Ude he had Altitude Sickness and passed out. As a result of passing out was in a vehicular situation and toj japanese citizens Wereap Killedn that accident. Tragedy, but it was an accident. The japanese and because of some passing that have happened Withp Americanpe servicemen through tm in jail. Now his wife and three kids doot not have a dad home for the holidays. We need to get them out. We understand the pain that the japanese people went through losing a couple of their citizens. This waswe an auto accident, ito was nougt a crime. The lieutenant needs to come not home. I am hoping that the prime p minister, ria good friend of america, and japan is a great ally of the United States. I do very close relationship with the former Prime Minister who wahis assassinated and his National Security adviser, as a did president trump. This is a tough situation. The lieutenant needs to come homeif. If he doesnt, it will more than a relationship japan. Hope we can get them all home. I know this administration is working on it as well. You had great success. Merry christmas to you and your family. Roberti obrien. Su thank you. Cc Merry Christmas. Straightahead, maria sat down with an actor about the foundation that bears his name t and how that is honoring the brave men and women who protect our country this christmas. Stay with us. Ou gh she had a lot of questions when she came in. I watched my mother go through being a single mom. At the end of the day, my mom raised three children, including myself. And so once the client knew that she was heard. We were able to help her move forward. Your client wont care how much you know until they know how much you care. I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. I dont feel any different. I dont need you to feel anything to do great things. upbeat music jesus, if you do not renounce your words, we will have no choice but to follow the law of moses. I am the law of moses. Mckenzie eliza, shes the little ray of sunshine. Her laugh is full of joy and love. Im so blessed to be her parent. Brennon i think shes the most beautiful girl in the world. You know i love her with everything in me and shes so tough. Mckenzie eliza is diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma at four months. Its cancer of the eyes. Its aggressive and its fast growing and as a mom hearing that, i still cry, because you want to take away all of the pain and you dont want your kid to be sick, obviously. Brennon it just breaks you. And with what weve been going through, i dont know how we would have made it without st. Jude. St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. Mckenzie the care that shes gotten at st. Jude, its seriously saved her life. Good job. Mckenzie and its amazing that we dont receive any bills from st. Jude. We only have to worry about eliza. We are so thankful that there are people out there who care and who give to st. Jude so that we can care for our baby girl. Join with your debit or credit card right now and well send you this st. Jude tshirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. Brennon st. Jude has given us hope. Were going to grow with her, and laugh with her, and make so many memories with her. And the people that donate money each and every month to st. Jude, its all because of them. Please call or go online and become a st. Jude partner in hope right now. Me welcome back. This christmas, there are more than 1. 3 million brave servicemen and women of the u. S. Military on duty. Here at home, as well as across the globe. Protecting our freedom and our liberties. Bert we salute them and we send our gratitude today and every day to all of them. Joining me right now is actor gary sinise who founded the gar Sinise Foundation which honors all who serve in the u. S. Armeds forces and a their families. Gary, it is great to have you this weekend. Merry christmas, and thank so much for what you are doing. This tell us about your foundation. A thank you so much for having me. Merry christmarry s to you and y christmas to all of our troops around the world serving ouroops first responders. The gary Sinise Foundation ise here tgao serve in honor of the men and women who serve our country and i have been at this for a very long time. E, the foundation is in its 12th year now. Years ago, because of the m veterans in my own family and g getting involved with vietnams veterans iinn the 80s and then playing Lieutenant Dan in forrest gump and starting the support for first responders, military personnel, after 9 11, i really got involved. Eventually, i started workingipe with multiple nonprofits arounde the country and trying to raise money for them and Support Themo in differentr ways. And the programs that they were supporting, i started the gary Sinise Foundation. We launched in 2011 and now we w are in our 12th year. We support first responders, military personnel, veterans,el gold star families, we built homes, there are multiples programs amut this foundation. It is all just to remember and honor and serve the men and women who keep us free. D wowe can never take that for granted. Freedom has to be fought for. There is a price to pay. From i benefit from that, personallyl i want to do everything that i can to support them. I am so grateful for that. I am also a member of a Gold Star Family my uncle lost his life in world war ii. Unfortunately, my family neverti got his remains back because heh was blown up in burma and he was an incredibly courageous man. An he lost his life so young. He they brought my grandmother, obviously, the american flag. We we always remember what he did and how he did it. My entire family served the military. My grandfather was in world war, i. My m v father vincent who passed away earlier this year, he served in the korean war. Al so, it is really personal to me what you are doing. I wear my fathers army tags on the air a lot to honor him and all of the work that he did in the korean conflict. But ive got to tell you, gary,e your performance as Lieutenant Dan resonated with me so much. I was so grateful for that performance because it really brought us on to the reality of what so many of us have to watcs from our own families and friends. S an do you take on roles like that because of your interest here,rt because of your motivation too support our troops . Well, you know, you do not often get to just sign up and get the part. T i had to audition for it and everything. Yt but hii will tell you, that like you, with so many veterans in my family going back to world war i and vietnam, and getting involved, very specifically inyp the 80s with Vietnam Veterans when the opportunity to play Lieutenant Dan came along in the 90s, having worked with t Vietnam Veterans and supportingn them over the years, in the chicago area, i very much wanted to play that part. T i auditioned for it, i was lucky to get it and i did. Was that particular role had a special significance. He was a wounded soldier. E he was a vietnam veteran. Na our Vietnam Veterans were not treated well when they came home. E i was in high school in 1973 at the end of Combat Operations in vietnam and then i met the womam who would become my wife about four years later and she introduced me to her brothers, both had served in vietnam, her sisters husband, and i got very involved with trying to supportp Vietnam Veteransor back then and then this opportunity came along to play the wounded soldier, ah vietnam veteran, Lieutenant Dand taylor. That started me on Tstar A Misso make sure that what happened to our Vietnam Veterans when they came home and they were forgotten and fell into thewe cracks and they were, you know, victims of a divided nation, at that time, we do not want thatim to ever happen to the men and women who volunteered to serve our country. Rve after he started applying, i just thought, i will go out there and do whatever i can to c support them. At that manifested itself into a fulltime, nonstop, you know, mission, to do whatever i can to serve and honor. I want to say this, with worldr. War ii veterans in my family asn wells , maria, one of the great programs that we have at the gary Sinise Foundation is callei soaring valor. It is a partnership with the National World War Ii Museum in new orleans. American airlines who provideseu all of the travel. To we have Traveled Hundreds Off World War Ii veterans down to new orleans to see the museum for themselves. An it wass inspired by My Uncle Jk Who served on a b17 in world war ii, 30 missions over europe. I took him to the museum when he was still alive and when hess passeded away, i created this program at the gary Sinise Foundation to make sure that asn many Worldda War Ii veterans ass still have them, as possible,to can go to the World War Ii Museum, see the museum for themselves. We all actually record their stories on video and preserve them there on the archives. We can never forget what our world war ii veterans did for a us. All of us lived free todayd al because of all they did those years ago. Ago. That is exactly right. Thank you for doing that. It is also important for thehe rest of us to understand whatrs these metan and women go throug. They are going in to serve ourgr great country as young people. They do not know what they are p about to experience. To e my uncle died, lost his life as a teenager. My grandfather came here with 12 in his pocket from italy. First thing he did was go overseas to serve in world war i. We cannot forget this. We need to keep telling Theor Stories Overie and over so that younger generations understandsn the sacrifice that so many of our family and friends have made. Ma gary, dode you get that Kind Ofa Reaction when you talk about the foundation . Do you feel that it is resonating for people, on peoplp that may not be in a military family . We are seeing issues in Terms Oo Recruitment right now in the military. We need to keep driving home tha stories, the Story Of Evil Fromt Thhee Nazis and why our men and womelin put their lives in harmw way toay ensure our freedom and liberty. Well, absolutely. Gure as a public figure, somebody who has, you know, a little bit of e spotlight because of the moviemo and Television Business and everything, i found that that was a way that i could serve, take that spotlight and pointedp in different directionots and shine that light on the Men Andd Women who serve our country. Certainly, world war ii, when you go to the National World War Ii Museum, have a great program, this soaring valor program, not only do we take world war ii veterans to the museum, but we pair each one of these veterans. Lets say we have 40 veterans on a charter airplane. We pair them up with high schooe students. R a High School Student Get Tooo Travel to new orleans to see that museum with somebody who lived the stories that are told at that museum. That is a way that we can passea on the lessons of World War Iire and ensure that future generations understand that freedom is not free. It comes at a cost. There is a price that is paid. L what happened all those yearsan ago is important, not only then, but critically important to what we are living through now and we can never take for granted thatr people thaitt served our countrv and protect our freedom. If you have never been to the World War Ii Museum in newif y orleans, i encourage you to go. We just opened up a massive new sound and light show called expressions of america. It is really a magnificent place. I encourag ae everybody in the country to get there, if you can that is just wonderful. Well said. God bless our veterans. God bless our men and women serving today. Across the world. Gary sinise, thank you very much for being here and for all of your efforts. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you, sir. Merry christmas. Thank you. Morning futures. Stay wit noth us. My name is juanita segura, and i was diagnosed in November Of 2014 with nonsmall cell lung cancer. The first time i heard about Biomarker Testing was actually, my husband. He just started researching about lung cancer. And i found out about Biomarker Testing and im like, yeah, i mean, why not . Lets try it. Comprehensive Biomarker Testing is looking for either substances in the blood or mutations in some of the genes of the cancer cells that can help us identify special types of lung cancer that can be treated with what we call targeted therapies. [juanita segura] letting my children know brought all of us a sense of hope. To give them hope that mom is going to be around to see you grow up. And i promised them that. If you or a loved one are facing nonsmall cell lung cancer, ask your doctor about how comprehensive Biomarker Testing before treatment may help you and your doctor decide on the best treatment for you. Visit noonemissed dot org for more. What would you give for a child you loved, to make their wish come true . To help them fight a critical illness, just imagine what youd do. You see, wishes are so powerful, and you can make them real. They can give a child back their childhood, even change the way they feel. Every single one of us can make the stars align. Because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. Jason Morgan Morgans wonderland. The first theme park in the world designed for those with Special Needs. It opens its doors in san antonio texa s in 2010 and sinceo, then has welcomed more than two and a half million guest. Gordon and Maggie Hartman say their own Special Needs Daughte Morgantw was the inspiration for whats built an oasis of coinclusion. Gordon joins me now. Merry christmas to you. Ive come to know this, i found it online. Un started lookind g at it. This may be the most wonderful place on earth. Ca tell umes how it came to be. First, thank you, jason. Back in 2005, i decided to retire and i knew that i wanted to really get involved, what i wanted to get involved in was assisting individuals with needs and disabilities. D i am blessed with a Daughter Whs Has Special Needs. Ason both cognitive and physical. H blessed to have her because shes has reallyhe opened the eyesd towards the fabulous of life. She has changed our lives in liv positive ways. We are onn a vacation and we noticed that morgan was not allowed an opportunity to engage because she was not able to be verbal and interact in what would be seen as a normal way. We kept talking about it and thinking how can we change that and started discussing, youcu knowss, what different places cn we take morgan. How we can interact with others, those with and without specialtr needs. Er what we said was we will see ife we cant come up with one. O thisne is a beautiful part of ts story, jason. This is when everybody came together. We had a meeting in hundreds and hundreds of people came together and said this is a great idea. Un what wdre basically did was Coml Up With Building A Themepark that is ultra adjustable, and v conclusive. You come together and you play. The average of four people coming through the park at one time, three will not havee Special Needs, one may. Looking at bringing together what is not a Special Needs park, a facility, a venue for everybody to truly enjoy. It has opened the eyes of so many people about the idea of inclusion. That is what we are about. Making sure everyones included when youof think about it, 15 5 the population has some force. P many times they feel like they are not included. Cl udwe have change that, i believ. Many of the other things ive done since then. In many ways, we are just o Getting Started becausthe anitao great. Listen, we will take a quick break. We will come back and chat withm you moree about how your team plans on spreading this christmas cheer. Stay with us. San we will be right back. Is it cold all the time there . Is that why your cheeks are so rosy . I bet all of your reindeer are very excited. Is your beard long . My dads is scratchy. My mom says im a good helper. But you didnt come last year. Was my chimney broken . Or did you forget . I do that sometimes. I just really hope this year when i wake up. Im gonna see. That you came to my house too. Wow. Donate to toys for tots. And help the marines deliver hope to a child in need. Rented back to Sunday Morning Futures. We are back with morgans wonderland in San Antonio Texasi a themepark for those with Special Needs. Tell us about the future. You build a wonderful place for people with Special Needs. Where you going with this . Lo we have gone a long way. It is a fully inclusive waterpark. The onlye on i place that has h pneumatic wheelchairs i can go underwater to ensure everybodyya has an opportunity tof participate. People can play all kinds of different sports. Those with or without Special Needs altogether playing numerous different sports. We built a brandnew camp allowing for up to 600 campers that allows for those with and without Special Needs to play. Weve had people that areet a22 feet above the air, visionf impaired people in wheelchairs. I ngpeople doing things i never thought they could deal. Ught simply because i got outside the box and did things differently. Now we just opened a new square foot multi assistance Centeran Thatce will help our friends wil medical therapeutic. There is more to come because anita is great. It is all about inclusion. All about making sure that that 15 of our population sometimese does not feel like it always caa be included should be included. Itin helps their selfesteem, helps all of us as a community. We are just Getting Started because we believe our friends i with Special Needs andsabi disabilities deserve this a opportunity. It was something that was started maybe 12 years ago, butt where we are going and where we will be 12 years from now is unimaginable. Peopleinab have come together to make this happen. What are you charging these people to get in the door . D, it is really expensive. Ge they dont get charged for anything. It already can be a barrier for them. M morgan ians one of the lucky ono she has the opportunity because of her parents and because we m have been blessed. An many of those with special need and disabilities dont. T we dont want to have another barrier, a financial barrier. Sa anyone whobi comes with them is charged a very small fee to participate. Par it is very low. Re we are not here to make money, we are here to serve our friende with Special Needs and disabilities. I think that that is the point. In apoin Community Around thisod country, theyve got to look ath what you are doing. Bringing people together. That kids dont care. The people in San Antonio Texas are very blessed. Gordon hartman of the y wonderland, Merry Christmaous to you and of course morgan. Really appreciate what you areto doing. Truly one of the most wonderful places ive ever heard. K foi look forward to actually visiting there someday. Sn that doets it for sunday morng futures, i am jason and for maria. Really appreciate her allowing me to sit in her seat. Op i hope she has a wonderful Merry Christmas with her family andu for those of you at home, andhi joy this holiday and your loveda ones. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone. There are places with people in this world that are without any hope. That is until mercy ships arrives. Mercy ships is a place restoring sight to the blind, healing to the deformed, acceptance and help to the outcast, and love to the broken hearted. And many times you can almost see the life coming back into them. Cant beat that. Mercy ships is the largest floating civilian hospital in the world, staffed with some of the most skilled volunteer medical professionals and crew. Mercy ships brings hope, healing and love to the lost and forgotten in the world. To learn more, go to mercyships. Org today. A massive and brutal Winter Storm Turning deadly in several states including new york, buffalo getting slammed by what the government likens by nothing less than a war. Hello and Merry Christmas. Welcome to fox news live. I am griff jenkins. Good to see you. Merry christmas. Western new york is certainly no stranger to have severe weather. Rarely, if ever, this bad. The blizzard dumping more than d blamed for multiple deaths

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