you were born with it. that s why it s wrong to judge people on the basis of it. it used to be the very definition of racism before liberals changed the rules to exempt themselves from it.o this show is based ino washington, d.c., the most democratic city in america, so we know and like a lot of people who call themselves liberal.n many of them are decent human beings and are motivated by noble impulses. some of them sincerely believe that tribalism empowers people. they are wrong. tribalism diminishes people. it makes their unique qualities irrelevant. it lumps them into a pile with a lot of other people who just happen to look alike.. it s dehumanizing. it erases the unfortunately it s also politically hard to resist. groupthink and race hatred arehe remarkably efficient organizing tools, as both parties have proved over the and so tribalism flourishes in this country. in the workplace, the academy, the media. the left has created systems c where people are jud
harder for people to it was genocide? i think absolutely it does. that s why they are not acknowledging it today. tucker: what a shame. i m going to watch it. i m glad you made it. thank you.. talking to sean hannity next, he s in washington. we will be right back. in washington. washington. we will be right if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go? expedia
the united states is close to a trillion dollars of value a year. tucker: okay, you are assuming, what you are leaving out, you are assuming that where they to leave those jobs would not be filled. you have almost 100 million americans at working age not working. i wonder if that has an effect, if that is affected by immigration. this is basic economics 101. tucker: no, you are engaging in washington-based economics, everything is fine. you asked me to come on to talk about the study but what i m saying to you is the balanc> sheet that they present in the study is not accurate. tucker: so are you saying that having 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, almost all of them working for low wages, almost all of them with low education is a net who are working and sending a huge proportion of what they make abroad to foreign countries. a portion. tucker: a big portion. the single biggest cash flow into mexico.
of the house. for people watching this, it seems like a zoo, a total circus. and we thought it was going to go from the house where it s nutty to the senate where it s going to be better, and it s even worse. it looks like total crazy town no washington, d.c. i have to confess i served in the house with both these guys and they went on to the senate. so i have some bias in what i m about to say to you, but i think it s a disservice to the country what s happened over the last five or so years. for a very long time, if you were elected you had enormous power. but people like jessy helms, bob bird were geniuses at figuring out maneuvers that nobody else could figure out. forcing votes that made everybody else mad. they ve coerced it down so it s
numbers. these from the center for immigration studies on chain migration. when advocates in new yorkes or washington tell you about immigration, they always pretend as if there s an economic rationale for it. it s important, like every immigrant is a high-qualified expert in a coveted field and needs to be here for the sake of our economy. in fact, according to the numbers, government numbers, f your typical immigrant to the u.s. is simply related to somebody who is already here, usually a previous immigrant. according to dhs data, in recenl years, every so-called initiating immigrant, the first one, has brought an average of 3.5 family members into the country with him. for some countries, the rate is even higher. each legal immigrant from mexico has brought an average of more than six additional family members here as many of these family members have little prospect for contributing economically. for instance, 24% of immigrants are older than 50, so if they become u.s. ci