What we know as a society we see the bad guy in the good guy well thats cops and robbers but when the cop becomes the robber the game is over the game is over s. Corruption it was a horrific twist of fate that led to reggies release. Was more fortunate his fathers death led to an unexpected turn providence was his big thing in any have you know great Life Insurance and was 184000 my dad left and i was able to parlay that up to about 236. 00 stock market and then it was just 100 percent of my time dedicated to my case and that enabled those to hire a private investigator we have essentially a growing war chest of evidence that had committed the crime or at least that all the evidence that was presented was it was false evidence i had received a complaint from i flew up to the state prison where bruce lister was i spoke to him once somebody is accused of murder and youre arrested for murder its tape recorded everything is tape recorder i couldnt find his tape d it had been. Taken out of
Went over my mom went right on the on the front porch to greet me and that they she didnt come to the door i was able to see her on the floor and she had been stabbed him beaten and left for dead. Nose freaking out. Right about iran. Right now r r r r r r r r i was hysterical and i was yelling and screaming at the paramedics to hurry up and get her to the hospital so the doctors could do something to save her life. The police choke hold of me and him cuff me and put me in the car for my own safety a sense of when you call the authorities when something goes wrong you call for help and you put your full face on them i was telling the police i want to go to the hospital to be with my mom screaming crying you know. And he said no we have to go to guys police department. The detectives interrogated goes for 2 hours by the time he was done interrogating me. So what would you do tell the cops whatever they want to know demand they release you scream maybe even fight. Number of citizen watch
A cell in isolation no contact with other juveniles only counselors one hour out for recreation and while they might not be able to introduce an alternate suspect demanded his lawyer not down every argument the prosecution could make. The prosecutor said those could not have seen his mothers body through the back window of the house the sons reflection in the glass and the furniture would have blocked his view his defense was the crime scene pictures were taken on a much sunnier day the prosecution claimed all the bloody footprints in the house matched his shoes this defense says his fingerprints were not found anywhere in the time scene there was no evidence that he wiped anything down i made any attempt to cover his tracks because bruce had nothing to hide the prosecution called Robert Hughes who claimed he was confessed in the 7000 model of county chair and the defense compared Robert Hughes to a used car salesman who wasnt to be trusted. Then one day they wrap their keys on the doo
The robot must protect its own existence as exist. As the us economy was booming growing numbers of people made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is were not financially equality and the lack of the Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage give many people no choice. Thats been a problem with the city knows turn around and told to stay away oh miss colton concerted effort is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. A grandmother doing a life for murder was released from prison yesterday after 17 years when i judge said she did not do it susan mellon recently filed a lawsuit against the detective who arrested her for hiding evidence that detectives the same one who arrested reggie. We know as a society we see the bad guy in the good guy well thats cops and robbers but when t
Any body without an attorney and. Susan mellon was 42 years old in gardena california when she was accused of a murder she didnt commit. The detective assigned to the case was relying on the testimony of one witness the whole case hinged on the word of one person june patty and everything patty said was inconsistent with every other lead every single lead put 3 gang members in the house. And no women said i was planing that i was standing stand and i do not believe in their nasty to people i do not know when i left my daughter that i just remember telling her that. Back for dinner systems daughter jessica she said to me that she was going to be home for dinner and she. Was home 17 years later. Seen my children that was very hard on me. For all those years im still broken my heart still broken from a rethink i went through. And i know its so scary. It was. The Worst Nightmare in my whole life. The bottom line is you have a right to be silent keep your mouth shut. Because those words wil