from spying on the state government. that the debt ceiling showdown has begun both sides are examining spending cuts needed to balance america s budget. west virginia senator joe manchin on what he is willing to support to unleash americans energy assets. plus the people of east palestine, ohio after pete buttigieang showed up three weet after the traie n derailment.t and then claim to bebi on privae time as president bide tn jetted off to ukraine and poland. are you going down there? are you going down there at alln yes i am. when you going? i wilg?l share that when i am ready. thank you. [inaudible] maria: all this is president trumf idenp headed to east palee with water and supplies for the region.ot we have tolted you loud and clear you ar se not forgotten. you are not forgotten. we stand for you, we prayo stayr you we stay with you in your fight to get answers and accountability you deserve.a, the community a shinier tough a and resilient heart ofme americ. t
plants. the factory woulsed d have used technology made in china. joining us now to examine thel threat tseo u.s. national security, is the man himself., virginia republican governor glenn youngkin. thank you so much for being witu us this morning too. good morning maria th ce isss you have just raised our critical national security issues. and let s just be clear, chinas. has one goal, world domination chewed at the expense of the united states they are using everoy avenue possible. from saber rattling with their military to surveillance with balloons and and from trying to infiltrate our economic supply chain by using trojan horse relationshipa like theve ones i have engineerd with ford motor company. we in virginia we are standing up strong. we are going touo make sure oure agricultural farmland is not purchased by the ccp. we ve got a bill now on a bipartisan basis i will sign that will keep china from buyinl our agricultural farmland particulate nextnd, door nation
this year. nearly a year before its convention in that same city. under the biden administration america has dealm ret with onee crisis after another from record time placement to sgt migrant cross in the southern border illegally to the increased threat from communissed t china. american a pivotal .246 year history. rigy me right now with what ist stake in 2024 s republicanan president candidate ambassador nikkdiadori haley. i m pastor it s great have you here this morning for thinkingrp of being here pretty heard president trump making the case and why you can be the change agent in 2024?in it is time for a new direction, maria.. think need to leave the status quo of the a past.soci you look at how america is falling into you look atit how the national self loathing has taken over our country. we ve got real issues with its 31 chile dollars in debt. whether it s whether our children have fallen so far t behind we don t how to catch o them.ou whether it s security and c
being closed by woke ideology. the idea we look up at the sky and see a chinese spy balloon looking back at us, there is no shortage of issues. but what i will tell you as americans want more they wantd something different and they want it now.e weth cannot do enough to make sd joe biden s last days are ahead of him.u even talk about foreign policy this we did an incredible job atbl the un fighting forte america first. how will youurse differentiate yourself from the otherif candidates and tell us your plan foul pr foreign-policy?at what in i the main things i d at the united nations i think i soon important is i did a book that focused on the 193 countries, the percentage of time they voteand with us and ho much foreign aid we give themis for th se number one thing i wod do is stop giving foreign aid to our enemies but we get $46 billion in foreign aid. talk a billion dollars going to iraq was basically dealing with
now weve must make sure we rebud america. got to dd o it here and theti incentives we are putting in thg ira the inflatioen reduction act was intended totally to give use aall the energy that we needdo right here and use t the process of what we do in america to makg sure we are energy independent and the superpower of the worldu you cannot do it if you are depending on other foreign supply chains to producer energy two.ssin this of the bill is intended this is what i am stressing every day to make sure that happens. i watching the administration howe they administer.naeah. so many issues to discuss with the senator. there are many people to build the inflation reduction act doec not affect reduce inflation. and in fact it s more spending s part of the reason we are up 40t year highs in terms of infl inflation. you said somethingt ju i so impt in terms of the issues that america faces. ukr yet we ve committed water a $13 billion tony ukraine. is there any limit to what was