Bhubaneswar: National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi in collaboration with Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar organised an ‘Information Sharing Session on ITEP aligned with NEP-2020’ today at Conference Hall of RIE,
city and to the terrorists that they have the ability to respond or intercept an operation. meantime you ve got these threat warnings almost all over the world that are coming out day after day. how do you distinguish, malcolm, between which ones are credible, that you need to deploy extra military or police. you need to tell people to stay off the streets in an atmosphere like this. everything in the terrorism world comes down to intelligence, intelligence, and when you don t have intelligence, go get intelligence. so the intelligence collection forces on a national level feed down from the information that they collect from the international targets. that moves into the law enforcement, federal law enforcement, through the fbi and joint terrorism task forces and then it s pushed down to the law enforcement intelligence officers. i spoke to 200 of them just this week, who were gathered at an information sharing session in upstate new york, fortuitously