look, they re not supposed to like him and he s okay with that. if he had a problem with it then he wouldn t continue to be playing the part. kaeries a thompson, thank you. we ll watch extra tonight. and of course saturday night to watch alec baldwin. also tonight here on cnn, the messy truth with van jones. during this town hall comedian and hbo host bill mar joins van and talks about president trump s first three weeks in office. is it worse than you thought, is it better than you thought? where are we? it s somehow exactly what we thought and yet ten times worse. because it wasn t like we weren t sick of him by the time he got elected. it has president been going on for a year and a half. and donald trump does not wear well, you know. i mean, you cannot keep up with the number of crazy things he says just today, okay, well, we re taping this, right, the day before yesterday, i meant.
[ laughter ] you know, it s all about him throwing a fit because his daughter/wife had [ laughter ] can we say daughter/wife? no, that one. he was okay with, he threw the yellow flag. his daughter/wife ivanka had her jewelry taken out of department stores. so, like, when he s supposed to be getting the intelligence briefing he s tweeting about this. i mean, there s more than i can almost handle on a weekly basis of the crazy stuff, the stuff that s just made-up. the murder rate is the highest in 47 years and the press doesn t cover terrorism. this just happened since my last show. i mean, this would be enough for an entire administration. that is just a snippet. please tune in tonight 9:00 eastern and pacific. it s this town hall, the messy truth with van jones here on cnn. just a quick note, we had van on this show and before i let him go, i asked him about this really special cnn digital
administration that has been challenged time and time again for lack of better word for its truth ineines truthiness. so what you can rely on really from the president on down on questions about very important facts. the vice president has kind of been an oasis in that, he has credibility, he tries to protect it, i can tell you that and that s why he feels like he got burned here, so unclear what s going to happen with mike flynn. it is possible that mike flynn may come out and find a way to proof he didn t have these conversations but based on the excellent reporting of the washington post, that seems unlikely. do we know if mike flynn has talked to the fbi yet? that s a really good question, because the law pertaining to the russian ambassador is problematic, it s
never been prosecuted and doesn t seem like a viable hook, but if he s been investigated and give them an answer like he gave vice president pence an answer, that would be more trouble for him. and i want to add what dana was just saying in addition to the issue of truth ineiness this is swirling suspicion, why does president trump continue to express such admiration for vladimir putin? so getting a bad answer on a really important question about whether they talked about sanctions before they were in office is huge. it s a credibility issue. it s a credibility issue of general flynn and by extension the administration. greg miller, thank you so, so