along with congressman byron donal accountas and john james i roy and republican conference confchair, at least the phonic. now, coming up, we will dove headfirst into the republican agenda from investigations to oversight to the abuse ofg power to removing fang fang s boyfriend from the intel. committee. weamittee. special look at the u. penn biden center for diplomacyo engagement made possible, itt appears, by the communist party of china.y afte now in 2014, shortly after acade establishing the academic center all in biden s name and appointing appointing the former vice president to lead the new department, 50 former million dollars in anonymous donations from china magically just poured right into the coffers. and the coffers. watchdog demanded that these sketchy donationsnd be investigated out of national security concerns. and now lndo and behold, breaking this week, a trove of top secret classified documents, including sensitive compartmented information from the oba
for free. anyway is predicated by the, green new deal . these radicae radical extremist, the democratic party, they , oft course, they want to controlchae way what you now cook. i thought michael bloomberg was bad and he took away my big gulp. but they want to control the way you eat, the way youe, travel, the way you power your home, the way you power your car. what about your chainsaw, your lawnmower? and god forbid, if youd fo everr used a leaf blower, they want to control every aspect off your your life from cradle to grave l wound to the two. now, seemingly the only thing they don t want to control is our southern border. now, bidens even is even takinge barriers in arizona, all while h building his ownis wall around his beach house, apparently must be held the president must be held accountable. and tonight, there s reall accountably one group of people that are now ready to put in checks and balances to his power. and they are sitting in this room tonight. wit and joining us now
a part of it was republicansd in around the country were disappointed in past speakers. i ll give one example.ner. john boehner. i was disappointed in there john boehner. and i think that there were people that wantedu the assurances. i had interviewed you. enough. i had asked you repeatedversio the commitments to america. i have my version right here. which we ll talk about.w and they wanted to knowstigao these investigations were real. what other investigations? welltigation, you ve got to holh government accountable for the whole time the democrats power, al have been in power, all they ve done is increase spending. why don havt we have a checke n and balance? think of this. when the republicans were ine f power last time for eight years inwer last time for eight years discretionary spending increased in those eight yearsr ? zero.years. they were in power for four years. they increased it by 30 percent. they went from spending four trillion to seven trillion. to 7 w
the senate? because you were begging them not to do this omnibus, to go forward with a c.r. instead, a continuing resolution. ead.they didn t do that. the they had the best opportunity. so has the really i want to i want to empowerhe the republicans in the senate, utilize us . schumer runsruns the senate, but it s a close majority. but why don t they work with us? so i m setting up every committee chair here to work with the ranking republican over there. republlet s talk with our bills together. let s take their amendments, put them into ours and move them over there to empower them to be stronger. if i sit right now, i ve a told schumer, do not send an omnibus over here. th if you don t pass the appropriation bills, we re not taking it upappropri. pass r so we ll pass our appropriation bills and then send a continuing resolution. t we re not shutting down the government. we re doing our work and we re setting itgovernme up for the al public is protected. but we re also putting
watched him get out of controlk with no check and balance. but last week was s not but remember what my father sta always said. it s not how you start.rt, itu it s how you finish. and let me tell you what firt happened after last week. our very firstl, w bill , wes. repealed eighty seven thousand irs. he promised to do thaout. we promised to do it. we made it in our innt our commitment to america, which you ve talke d a lot copy.talke about. and we ll check it off as they go . i have my own copy. yeah, bud t you know what else e did next? we just passed the churchokin committee that jim jordan will run looking at the weaponizes version ofright government we just passed righto wivernment we just passed righto ,and we got one hundred and forty six democrats to vote with us. pelosi wpelosi would never allo. they had an agreemente with her and she backed her way the night before. back so you wanfromt to bring jobs a back from china to america? you want tu want to stop them f