A photo has been shared in multiple Facebook and blog posts alongside a claim that it shows an accident at a wedding that "killed 70 people in China's Fujian province". The claim is false; the image shows the aftermath of a storm that destroyed a wedding tent and houses in Indonesia in March 2019. No casualties were reported in the incident.
Four images showing injured children, damaged buildings and rubble have been shared on social media posts claiming they show the aftermath of a powerful earthquake that struck Afghanistan in June 2022. However, the photos were all taken before the disaster elsewhere, in Pakistan and Italy.
Blog articles shared in Indonesia in June 2022 publish a photo they claim shows a boat accident in which 139 passengers were killed on a "tragic Sunday". The photo has been shared in a misleading context; it has circulated in news reports about a ferry disaster in 2018 in the Southeast Asian archipelago nation that killed at least 36 people.
A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in Facebook and TikTok posts that claim it shows chaos at a protest against rumoured plans to extend the presidential term limit, which was held outside the Indonesian parliament building in Jakarta on April 11, 2022. The claim is false; the footage shows a demonstration in the same location back in September 2019.