The IndiGo passenger who slapped the pilot of a Delhi-Goa flight was on his way to honeymoon. As seen in the viral video, the passenger ran up from his seat in the last row to slap co-pilot as he announced a further delay. IndiGo Passenger Who Slapped Pilot Was On Way To Honeymoon in Goa, Had Assaulted Pilot Over Delay.
Sahil Kataria, the 28-year-old who assaulted an IndiGo airlines pilot following a 13-hour flight delay, has been released on bail and was served a notice under Section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), an official said on Tuesday. IndiGo Pilot Assault Incident: Accused Sahil Kataria Released on Bail, Was en Route to Goa for Honeymoon.