The strengthening in the rupee was due to a rally in the Chinese yuan due to hopes of relief in US-China tensions. The stock markets gained on Friday after being volatile in the afternoon. The markets had snapped the 2-day losing streak on Friday.
Updated Jan 19, 2021 | 08:09 IST
In the midst of coronavirus pandemic, the performance of India in accumulating foreign currency reserves is timely and remarkable. Representational image 
New Delhi: Foreign exchange reserves of India totalled US$ 477 billion as on March 20, 2020. This figure stood at US$ 581 billion as on December 25, 2020, recording a whopping increase of US$ 104 billion in a relatively short period of around 9 months.
The surge in reserves has been consistent and is still continuing (see table below). Data on foreign exchange reserves is released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on a weekly basis through its publication Weekly Statistical Supplement.