6 January 2015,New Delhi.The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley said that the Infrastructure Sectors such as coal, power and cement have been recording double digit growth in the last few months while growth in manufacturing sector is still patchy. He said that reviving manufacturing, diversifying its base and equipping it for robust long run
Inspired by her mother's teachings, she went on a mission to make a positive impact on society. Her journey, from humble beginnings to global leadership, is a beacon of inspiration.
Start-Up Angels: Women entrepreneurs spearheading Mamaearth, MyGlamm, Nykaa & more transform India’s start-up landscape. BT Magazine’s The Point decodes their entrepreneurial journey in numbers.
In this section of “Inspirers” we catalogue outstanding women leaders in our corporate world who broke into, what was mainly men’s domain, and established themselves as “women entrepreneurs” of merit, vision, courage, and reliability.