In 2007 when i retired for my 35 year career in Investment Real Estate i met my friend phil tang saying i want to get more involved in Government Services oh was initially appointed in the fall of 07. From that point on it was a complete roller coaster. As you know we entered the initial downturn and the number of appeals went from 1000 to less than 2000 year at the assessment appeal board one by dan to ran up to 5000 appeals in 21 201011 could swipe witnessed the actions of the board and don durrant and the Assessors Office under phil tang and no carmen chu and chief appraiser matt thomas as well as the board and the additional board three to accommodate the dominantly homeowners in the evening with their appeals and all of us about to make dramatic changes in how we became more efficient, more knowledgeable andcapable particularly at the Assessors Office coming before the board. Im an opportunity to do that as well as interpret the revenue and taxation codes board of equalization, as
SGP(SAI GANGA PANAKEIA) is proud to announce the very first International Conference on Poly Scientific Ayurveda – From Innovation to Impact” which will be held in Hyderabad, India for the first time in 2023. About 400 delegates including researchers, medical doctors, ayurvedic practitioners, scientists, government officials, corporate representatives, from USA, UK, Russia,
Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur, venture capitalist and philanthropist, Asha Jadeja has launched a unique program through her family foundation - Motwani Jade