A Xatriya Nriyta directed by Usha Rani Baishya and the music composed by Bhaskar Jyoti Ojah were performed on the Assam Day celebration at the 42nd Indian International Trade Fair (IITF) at Pragati.
New Delhi,28th November: Received gold medal for excellent performance in the ‘Ministry & Department’ category of the ‘India International Trade Fair’. A total of 18 startups exhibited their new products at Ayush Pavilion. Ayush Aahar, Inno
The Ministry of Ayush has been awarded the Gold Medal by the ‘India Trade Promotion Organization’ for its excellent performance in the ‘Ministries and Departments’ category of the Indian International Trade Fair. The Ministry had created an Ayush pav
Coimbatore: The residents of No 4 Veerapandi on Saturday urged the state government to construct a rail over-bridge in their locality to reduce traffi.