Making tea seems to be the sole responsibility of women. A staggering 82.8% of the working women make tea at home. Out of them, 61.6% never get any help from their male partners
New Delhi [India], April 18 (ANI/PRNewswire): Cairn Oil & Gas, India's largest private oil and gas exploration and production company and a unit of Vedanta Group, is pleased to announce that it has signed three separate MoUs with the state governments of Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh along with their district administrations for biodiversity conservation through mass plantation of 0.75 million trees. The carbon captured through the mass plantation is equivalent to emissions needed to electrify 4,500 Indian households.
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Inflation expectations over the next three and 12 months declined by 30 basis points each in its March round of surveys, from the January round, the Reserve Bank of India said