Regional Museum of Natural History, Bhopal (A Regional Centre of National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi) and Bhopal Birds NGO jointly organized Campus Bird Count Programme on Friday, 2024. Approx 25 species of birds were spotted during this bird count.
Rock Pigeon, Laughing Dove, Greater
The KSPCB should evolve systems to issue warnings at the first instance of a breach in the water quality of a lake and impose a fine if it remains poor, said Raghavendra B Pachhapur who works with an NGO.
The Campus Bird Count 2022 was conducted in Nitte University's Mangalore campus led by Nitte University Center for Science Education and Research (NUCSER). This year the birders recorded 76 species of birds on campus. Experts have projected the number to increase to 100+ species across various campuses of Nitte DU with various green initiatives undertaken by the University.
A video on the bird watching highlights of the year 2020
‘Rarely spotted’ and ‘first-time record’ were the buzzwords of 2020 among the Indian birding community as the year marked the arrival of extraordinary visitors. Here are some birds who made headlines in 2020:
Four majestic whooper swans were spotted in Kashmir recently for the first time after 50 years.
The desert finch, usually found in Pakistan and Afghanistan, made its stopover at Gurgaon in Delhi, making it to the first photographic record in India.
Greater white-fronted geese were photographed at Wadhwana lake in Vadodara for the first time.
The red knot, flying all the way from Japan and North Korea, marked its presence at Rann of Kutch.