NEW DELHI: The government on Thursday announced a year’s extension for Intelligence Bureau director Arvinda Kumar and RAW chief Samant Kumar Goel, making way for continuity at the helm of its intelligence apparatus. The two-year fixed term of both the officers was due to end on June 30, 2021, but now stands extended to June 30, 2022.
In another important move, the government replaced Jammu & Kashmir chief secretary B V R Subrahmanyam with Arun Kumar Mehta, currently finance commissioner in the J&K department of finance. Subrahmanyam, the Chhattisgarh-cadre IAS officer believed to have been handpicked by the prime minister three years ago to head the bureaucracy in J&K, had seen the erstwhile state through crucial phases such as President’s rule, abrogation of Article 370 and its reorganization into Union territory. He was on Thursday appointed as OSD in the department of commerce here and will take over as commerce secretary upon the superannuation of incumbent Anup Wadhawan on
The Centre on Thursday extened the tenures of Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) Chief, Samant Kumar Goel, and Intelligence Bureau Director, Arvind Kumar, by oner year.Both Goel and Kumar are 1984-batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officers, .