A suspected narcotics peddler was apprehended at a naka checking in Guwahati with heroin in his possession on Tuesday. The checking was being conducted by a team from the Bastistha Police Station.
A one-day training workshop on PGS-India Organic Certification (Participatory Guarantee System of India) was held at Krishi Niwas, Khanapara on Wednesday. The Assam Seed and Organic Certification.
How entrepreneur Sharmila Oswal is channeling her patriotism for social good
Based in Pune, Sharmila Oswal is the Managing Director of 1Organic, a social venture started during the lockdown. It aims to make organic food more accessible and affordable.
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The coronavirus-induced lockdown meant more ‘family time’ for many of us. But social entrepreneur and environmentalist
Sharmila Oswal’s house turned into a melting pot of discussion for a social venture that aims to ensure access to and affordability of organic and healthy food.
Sharmila appears to be a stickler for the old adage that prevention is better than cure and that it begins with healthy eating.