A Delhi court has extended the custody of Hari Om Rai, the managing director of Lava International, by two days in a case of alleged money laundering involving smartphone company Vivo. The court also granted the Enforcement Directorate (ED) two more days of custody for questioning Chinese national Guangwen alias Andrew Kuang and chartered accountant Nitin Garg. The ED has accused Vivo of illegally transferring Rs 62,476 crore of its revenues to China to avoid taxes in India.
The agency said it has issued further summons to previous employees of Lava International who were involved in the process of setting up the Vivo group of companies. “Summons have also been issued to the two directors of Lava International for ascertaining the involvement and to collect further evidence in the listed matter,” the agency’s counsel informed the court.
A Delhi court has extended the custody of Hari Om Rai, the managing director of Lava International, by three days in a case of alleged money laundering involving smartphone company Vivo. The court also granted the Enforcement Directorate (ED) four more days of custody for questioning Chinese national Guangwen alias Andrew Kuang and chartered accountant Nitin Garg. The ED has accused Vivo of illegally transferring Rs 62,476 crore of its revenues to China to avoid taxes in India.