As per Sebi norms, mid cap schemes are mandated to invest in companies that are between 101 and 250 in the market capitalisation. These companies can be leaders of tomorrow. Thats what makes them great bets. If these companies live up to the promise, the market will reward the investors handsomely.
Mutual fund investors are worried about the valuations in the mid cap segment. Mid cap stocks have witnessed a robust rally in the last few months. Investors made handsome returns on their investments in mid cap funds.
Mid cap schemes invest in mid cap stocks or in stocks of medium-sized companies. As per Sebi norms, mid cap schemes are mandated to invest in companies that are between 101 and 250 in market capitalisation.
The big deployment by foreigners into India Midcap funds peaked in the week ending September 13. They haven't done any incremental deployment since the past two months, as per a report by Elara Securities.All incremental India dedicated flows .
We considered large cap, mid cap, small cap, large & mid cap, multi cap, focused fund, value fund, contra fund, and ELSS, flexi cap categories. We only considered regular and growth option schemes. We considered XIRR on SIP investments.