Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N T Rama Rao lodged a protest with PM Indira Gandhi against the manner in which All India Radio denied him the broadcast of a speech on the strike by state government employees.
The duo mulled bilateral trading in the local currencies, besides discussing economic, security and political issues. They also shared mutual concerns over international events.
Iran seeks preferential tariff treatment from India for agro products, including relaxation of stringent food safety standards norms, said Benham Tajaddini, President of Agriculture and Food Industries Commission of Iran, on Tuesday, , India-Iran ties
Sonowal is on a three-day tour to Iran. Following this, the minister will travel to the UAE where he will visit the Jebel Ali port and participate in bilateral and investors meetings.
India and Iran reaffirmed their commitment to continue cooperation on development of Chabahar Port as a transit hub for the region, including Central Asia. Delegates from both nations will meet soon to discuss operational aspects of the key port.