clock to bring us ream time information on the ground. he is in kyiv, capital of ukraine, benjamin hall, what is going s you have to look back at today say what we ve seen aok bcontinuation. of whad set we have seen over last week. w haincreasing number of attacks on civilian areas. o inability to get humanitarian aid to the surrounded cities, for people to get out of just a few days later, march 14, hall was on a fact finding mission on outskirtsdi of ukraine witngh two other journalists, pierre and sasha, they were viciously attacked by russian forces, pierre and sasha were killed and hall left fighting hear his life.t a word about your colleagues. loss and pain we feel is enormous, if there were a f time that world needed journalists, reporters risking their lives to telljo thure truth it is now. without a free press, wet a will redouble our effort toub holeb or the colleagues and all reporters in harm s wayni tonight. fer worked endlessly, tireless
with e as people are watching, we re about a full year now. you are out there tellingos this storyit with incredible posit positivity. everyone i think this life seems to think they have troubles. i don t think that there is anything more than this. that is an inspiring thing, i suggest we turn it to asu movie. i don t know if yoggesu haveti ever watched or read any of books boo life after death, near death experience, i like them. and one was 90 minutes in heaven. s diane piper, a preacher with doa horrible car accident. they declared him dead atde and a prea preacher came book and prayed over him he came back he described his oak perin