Your family deserve. You will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash right here in your area. You will learn that you can buy, renovate, and flip real estate, using other peoples money and credit, that there are lenders who want to lend you money to flip houses and acquire Income Properties, even if you have no money or credit, and that if you have money and credit, you can grow your money exponentially. Inc. 500 magazine has named armandos company the fastestgrowing Educational Company in a. And now armando has added one more element to his awardwinning system. Armando is known for teaching both new and experienced realestate investors how to flip houses all over america. Now, in addition to teaching you how to Flip Properties for big profits, armandos system will teach you how to invest in Income Properties for longterm Wealth Creation and security. Because armando is making his live event free to the general public, seats will fill fast. Whe
Conference about a knife that was supposedly found buried on the property that o. J. Simpson sprints what estates once sat on peer estates once sat on it. This investigation is still in its early stages and they dont know if this is evident in the case but a national reports. But initial reports show the knife is inconsistent. No murder weapon has been found and at this point all leads have gone cold. Investigators are testing a knife that a construction worker allegedly found on the property formerly owned by o. J. Simpson. Lapd became aware of an item that was allegedly recovered by property rockingham property. The owner turned the knife over to the lapd officers years ago. When detectives discovered that the now retired officer had the knife they launched an investigation. They said the former officer believed the case was closed and kept it. Being an lapd officer he didnt know to turn it in . I dont know what his statement is. The Homicide Division is now testing the knife her hai
Police. Good evening, we will take you to south beach in just a moment. First, a tent scene in chicago. The arena was filled with thousands of people evenly divided between donald Trump Supporters and protesters. It made for a violent combination. The rally schedule that university of illinois chicago pavilion was called off after large numbers of protesters packed the arena, clashing with Trump Supporters who chanted we want trump. [ video playback ]. Fights broke out in front of dozens of news cameras there to cover the republican president ial frontrunner. This protesters made his way to the stage where he ripped apart a Trump Campaign sign. As the man was escorted away by security, he got into a fight with a trump supporter wearing an American Flag as a cape. At one point, a Trump Campaign spokesman made the announcement canceled. Donald trump just arrived and after meeting with Law Enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gath
Jeans jeans sizes. Blockbuster night in the race forthe white house. Once we get all this finished i go after one person thats Hillary Clinton. 12 states at stake. Now its clear tonight that the stakes in this election have never been higher. Tonight the big winners and lolors. Night team with super coverage of super tuesday. This is 7 news at 11 00. Now at 11 00 oclock. Look at the dozen states up for grab on super tuesday. Big night road to the white house. Night could end up being make or brick for some. Hole again everybody. Front runner are celebrating tonight. Surging ahead to whether could be the partys nomination. South florida where sime of the candidates are holding events. First the results. Patrick haitian has them for uspatrick itian has them for us. 12 states lets get right to the results so you can see the candidates who won. Donald trump a big winner tonight. He won in georgia that was the first state called there you see the percentages moving on to the democratic side
,,,,, the wild scene on a bay area the wild scene on a bay area freeway. That snarled trafc for hours. It all went down in fremont but the story doesnt end t. Betty yu explain. Chaos in rush hour, tonight, the wild scene on the bay area freeway. The story does not end there. Betty is a in newark to explain. Reporter we are here on Central Avenue not far from fremont and this is where police finally caught up to the suspects. This is the wild ending to what started as an Armed Robbery. A crashed just port the men in this white car scrambled to get from police and managed to shut down the interstate this afternoon. The enormous backup lasted for hours. The vehicles they were pursuing came to rest on the freeway. The suspect parties took off on foot. Reporter it was spotted shortly and the men inside started running across the highway. It was very dangerous. People on the freeway arnett are not expecting someone to come running. Reporter this is what it looked like over the last three hou