Commission meeting. As i have done in the past im going to read the following into the record. On february 25, 2020, the mayor declared a state of emergency related to covid19. Further moremore, theres laws apicable to boards and commissions to hold hearings remotely on. April 3, 2020, the Planning Commission received authorization from the Mayors Office to reconvene remotely through the end of the shelter in place. This is so that we are here. I am requesting everyones patience in advance, and the platforms at times are not perfect and may seem clums i. If you are not speaking mute your microphone and do not hit any controls that may affect other participants. To enable the Public Participation sfgovtv is broadcasting and streaming this hearing live and we will receive Public Comment for each item on todays agenda. You can do so by calling the 800 number at 1 888 2733658. And enter access code, 3107452. Press pound, and pound again. When you are connected and your item comes up that y
Seating has been spaced so we are six feet apart and we have made it possible for senators and witnesses to participate by Video Conference if they choose to do so, and several have. To maintain social distancing, we have very limited seating and dont have room formulas of the public to attend, however this hearing is available to watch a live online and a recording will be available on the committee health. Www. Senate. Gov. The hearing will be shown from gaveltogavel in its entirety, unedited by anyone from the moment that we start until the very end that we stop. Due to the limited seating, representatives of the press are working as a pool to relay observations to their colleagues and senators and staff present have been reminded about the safety guidelines put in place by the attending physician. We all wore our masks. Im not going to wear mine during the hearing, since we are six feet apart, but senators may do whatever they choose to do. I would like to thank the rules committee
Consulted with the centers for disease. Individuals are at least six feet apart. Theres no room for public to attend in person. Representatives of the press are working as a pool to relay their observations to colleague. The hearing may be watched online. An unedited recording will be available on the website. Witnesses are participating by Video Conference in a onetime exception. Some senators, including the chairman, are participating by Video Conference. Senators, we have been advised may remove masks, talk into the microphone when in the hearing room as they are six feet apart. Im grateful to the roall for t hard work to keep us safe. In our hearing last thursday, i said that all roads back to work and back to school run through testing. What our country has done so far on testing is impressive. Not nearly enough. Over the weekend, senator schumer, the democratic leader, was nice enough to put out a tweet quoting half of what i said. He left out the other half, the impressive part.
Antibody testing, Vaccine Development and the effectiveness of public, private partnerships in the fight against covid19. Senator dont believe this. Now its on. Senator is it . Ok. The hearing of the health, labor, and Pensions Committee will please come to order id like to explain a few of the changes that weve made to help address the health and safety recommendations made by the ateppeding attending physician. Th the department of health and Human Services at the centers for Disease Control and prevention. Seating has been spaced so we are six feet apart and we have made it possible for senators and witnesses to participate by Video Conference if they choose to do so, and several have. To maintain social distancing, we have very limited seating and dont have room formulas of the public to attend, however this hearing is available to watch a live online and a recording will be available on the committee health. Www. Senate. Gov. The hearing will be shown from gaveltogavel in its enti
Placement u. S. History and government exams. Next, a doctor from the National Institutes of health testifies on the Coronavirus Response at a Senate Health hearing, along with the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research authority. They discuss efforts to improve Testing Capacity and answer questions on Antibody Testing, Vaccine Development, and the effectiveness of privatepublic partnerships in the fight against covid19. [indistinct chatter] now its on. Is it . Okay. The hearing of the health, labor, and Pensions Committee will please come to order. As we begin our hearing, i would like to explain a few of the changes we have made to address the health and safety recommendations made by the attending physician and sergeant at arms after they consulted with the department of health and Human Services and the centers for Disease Control and prevention. If you are watching, seating has been spaced so we are six feet apart. Second, we made it possible for senators and witnesses to pa