up with this and not figuringt out why exactly it s happening. it s a little more complicated than racism and mass incarceration. something really dark is going on . butt we can say that these sorth of things happen a lot l more than they otherwise would when you decide that law should be applied on the basis of skin color, when you decide that aa lot of people die, they bleed in gutters and city streets as the rest of the neighborhood hides indoors in terror. t as it happens, most of the dead come from the very group our leaders say they re protectingay . we love youy so much for lettinn you die. that s the equityg.g. agenda. what wd, bill . i ve never told us how it was going to end. rafael manguel new he s one of the wisest voices we know on crime and law enforcement. nt a senior fellow at the manhattan institute, he joins us tonight. phil, thanks so much for coming on . so the cause and effect i know that you know criminology s complex, but this seems very clear. you stop enforcing
like this constantly in the city of chicago, cities across the country there are always the same. but the detailsago,y a of this e tell you everything. a criminal runs from the police carrying the illegal gun. then the same politiciansol who never stop lecturing you control. cont it s immoral to defend yourself. they scream at you those same people at this guy who used a gun to commit a crime out off jail immediatelyel because equity then he getsy rid of his ankle monitor and commitsnk a carjacking. then what happens? well, laurie lightfoot spe friendsns, we him once againat because incarceration bad. so what does he dodo? he drives off a to shoot and kil a 15 year old because why wouldn t he ? there s no penalty now ifer tragedies likee this happened occasionally you would call them accidents. you would feel sad but you wouldn t be bothered.. these are t not accidents. are this is happening every dayhi in the city ofca chicago. fully 43% of all criminals convicted in the state of ill
some are released very early. that s a high number compared to other states in saner places like texas, south carolina, . st virginia the recidivism rate after three years is about half of that . what s the difference? differenc politics honestly, it s not a partisan talking points. it se?ot a true . for the last decade, fors, example, the most liberal statey in the country, california hasd recorded a recidivism rate of a nearly 50%. 50%. now keep in mind the irony here they tell you that we shouldn to incarcerate people because incarceration doesn t workpl. if you want to rehabilitate people, you have to let them out. but n they re not rehabilitated. that s why they re reoffending w and almosthy 50% in the state of california. so incarceration has two purposeslifornia, so. one is to improve the prisoner so he won t t reoffend. but but the main purpose is to protect the rest of us who aren tst committing crimes.us we vet got kids who just want to live a normal life. they ve forgotten t