their vehicles from other businesses who are being accosted and attacked by people in the parking lot, and it s just really created a really hostile environment that has been created by the city council and the mayor of our city. jedediah: austin is such a beautiful city, this is so sad to see. homelessness in austin, texas, right now, 1,037 unsheltered persons in the city of austin, and i would ask you, where is the mayor? why is he not doing anything about this in. it s really sad. you know, our property crime has actually increased. and i don t know if people know this, but the property crime in austin is actually higher than the national average. you know, the city of austin used to be called, it s the live music capital of the world. instead now it s being called the homeless capital of the central part of the united states. jedediah: the department of transportation being called in, as we know, by governor abbott. what role do you think they re going to be able to play here?
from here in the city, cortez, she tweeted this about the protests: ending mass incars ration means challenging the system. arresting people who can t afford a $2.75 fare makes no one safer. new yorkers know that, they re not having it, and they re standing up for each other. darren, if you enforce paying your fee to get on the subway, are you destabilizing the community? went we look at alexandria ocasio-cortez, she s an idiot. she s very disconnected with the reality of new york. when we hook at the redepression under the de blasio e policies, we re going to where los angeles, seat and san francisco is in connection with the quality of life. we need police officers to maintain that stability in the subway, and so we take into consideration the horrific political climate of p.c. that s perpetually driven by de blasio and now cortez, it s really taking us to a place of the
services, education services in the city of austin. eric: that is obama s program. juan: i don t know that but i m saying i will take it at your word. to me, that s not a productive way of going about it. let me add that we have a fox news pole. says most americans are opposed to taking money away as a means to punish sanctuary cities. it s not popular. lisa: if you are chicago mayor rahm emanuel, you re going to stake your political ground putting up a fight against president trump. there is a political element in trying to resist and push back on president trump because you re trying to set yourself up to run for governor, run for senate, congress, or whatever the next path is. if you put your stake in the ground and say i m the person that stood up against president trump that helps them that they perceive it as helping them politically. eric: there is that feeling among conservatives and republicans that feel that the reason there s a big push on the
this facility. and there truly is no cause for alarm. we are very lucky. we have been blessed that things could have been a lot worse. and so, again, we want to stress the fact that this appears to be the act of a single individual and this incident is contained here in the city of austin to this building. at this time i want to call up congressman michael mccaul to say a couple of words. thank you, chief. just want to say today in the city of austin, we saw a deliberate and intentional attack against the federal building. it is a something that expose ad weakness we have seen since 9/11. airplanes can t fly into buildings. and when you look into the devastation behind me, this was a piper dakota. one of the smallest private aircraft manufacturer.
weeks and buying material that has been used to make the explosive devices. we have previously confirmed that authorities believe that these e ploe sieves were being manufactured and crafted from what they have described as common household items that were really available to the general public. what do we know at this point about motive and continuing threat? authorities this morning are still urging the citizens of austin and surrounding areas to be vigilant and to be aware. they say they do have concerns about whether or not there are still undetonated explosive devices in austin. while this is a time for rejo e rejoicing here in the city of austin, they are urging citizens to continue to be aware of their surroundings and to continue to report any suspicious devices. as for the motivation of the