officials now have leaked the identity or a partially correct identity of the islamabad station chief. suspected that both come from the pakistani intelligence service. how does that sort of thing materially affect our work in some cases with pakistan? it s not going to help things. that s for sure. that s the question here. is that the pakistanis are accusing the united states of waging a war without their consent. the real question is why are the pakistanis so hesitant, fighting so hard against trying to crack down on al qaeda, on the pakistani taliban. we have mainstream pakistani politicians talking about trying to make a peace treaty with the pakistani taliban, at the same time when they re murdering forget about americans, hundreds of innocent muslims in pakistan. the math is not there in terms, in terms of the math here. there are far more pakistanis killed by the taliban in al qaeda than in u.s. missile strikes. i think the pakistani government needs to start thinking about t
weekend at a compound in pakistan, three of his widows were left at the compound after the raid and taken into pakistani custody. nbc news reports that u.s. intelligence officials will be given access to those women or at the very least to the information that pakistan has already gathered from them. the pentagon on saturday released some of what they took from the compound, videotape some showing osama bin laden gray-bearded and weirdly hunched over under a blanket watching himself on television while clutching a remote control. other video showing him with a freshly dyed black beard rehearsing messages. all of the tapes had the audio removed. last week leon panetta suggested that pakistan s military services were complicit in sheltering bin laden or incompetent. this weekend pakistani media named the man that pakistani officials claimed was the cia chief in islamabad. u.s. officials telling the washington post, quote, they suspect ed that the name may have been deliberately leaked
pontchartrain hoping to ease some of the pressure on the swollen river and tensions for those still in its path. jay gray, nbc news, memphis. well, details continue to emerge into last week s mission to nail down osama bin laden. according to the new york times, two teams were on standby to handle any scenario that may unfold. there was one team to bury bin laden if he were killed, and a second team of lawyers, interrogators and translators in the event he was captured alive. meanwhile u.s. relations with pakistan continue to be tested after suspicion rose monday that the country s intelligence service leaked the name of the cia chief in islamabad. although since an image wasn t revealed, there are no plans to pull the operative. for more on this delicate situation, we go to steve handelsman. reporter: aides say president obama expected tough talk from pakistan.
releasing this is to knock bin laden down a notch. to show him as a bumbling idiot as opposed to a sophisticated terrorist leader with his loyal followers. the idea is this a a human being. the problem is to really get that point across you need the audio. if you want to show him bumbling through a speech and messing it up, you have to hear that. right now all we have have a few images of bin laden staring to the left to the side. it doesn t have the full impact. it may have a more impact in the mind of u.s. officials than in the target audience. terms of the pakistani response for the second time since december, now pack stop signee officials now have leaked the identity or a partially correct identity of the islamabad station chief. how does that sort of thing
chief s identity, obviously, washington has to pull him out and it has happened here before in islamabad, and the u.s. officials are neither confirming nor denying and they say they don t plan on pulling the cia station chief, but on the other hand, a pakistani official is denying that this is happening. but the bigger issue here is that the fact that the allegations are happening. it is really underscores the volatile, and the uncertain, and adversarial sometimes relationship that pakistan and the u.s. has. this is two countries that are supposed to be partners in this crucial fight against extremism, but they are finger pointing. one final question. we hear that some of the wives of bin laden are talking, but the u.s. has not had a chance to interrogate them yet. what kind of information are they sharing and what about this condition that pakistan is essentially saying to the u.s. that in order to the talk to the wives the u.s. has to do what? yeah, well, the plan for pakistan is