Asleep, remember, and was clearly startled, reached for a gun. A gun. He had a legal permit to carry. When he did, police shot him to death. It all took less than 15 seconds. His mother spoke to my colleague. Just minutes ago. I want everybody to know that my son is going to make sure that everybody across the United States is going to be able to sleep on the couch without having to be worried about being executed by the police. Yes. Yes. Friday, minneapolis mayor announced a moratorium on no knock warrants in the city. Minnesota Attorney General promising to review the case. What else can we do as a society to prevent the ongoing senseless shooting deaths of Black Americans . Joining me now. Contributor of the cut and communications at blue state. And activists and host of the pod cast undistracted. Also a political analyst. Talk about the moment were in right now. Another young black man. Dead at the hands of police. And a lot of questions about how this could have happened given the
Asleep, remember, and was clearly startled, reached for a gun. A gun. He had a legal permit to carry. When he did, police shot him to death. It all took less than 15 seconds. His mother spoke to my colleague. Just minutes ago. I want everybody to know that my son is going to make sure that everybody across the United States is going to be able to sleep on the couch without having to be worried about being executed by the police. Yes. Yes. Friday, minneapolis mayor announced a moratorium on no knock warrants in the city. Minnesota Attorney General promising to review the case. What else can we do as a society to prevent the ongoing senseless shooting deaths of Black Americans . Joining me now. Contributor of the cut and communications at blue state. And activists and host of the pod cast undistracted. Also a political analyst. Talk about the moment were in right now. Another young black man. Dead at the hands of police. And a lot of questions about how this could have happened given the
0llie, thank you so much forjoining us, especially under these circumstances. Now, i understand youve been able to flee these fires. Just bring us up to date in terms of what took place, what happened and how youre coping where are you now . Yeah, so i am now in a small village called fort simpson, which is about 630 kilometres west of yellowknife. It probably sounds like a huge distance it really isnt in Northwest Territories terms. This place is twice the size of france, its got 16,000 people in it, so vast scales that were talking about. This is essentially three communities to the left of yellowknife. And you can just hear a float plane into the distance, by the way. This is the Mackenzie River behind me. Yellowknife under a full Evacuation Order, as you probably heard, yesterday. We came out here a day before because, to be frank, the writing has been on the wall for days that that wildfire was going to pose a grave threat. What were you seeing that led you to think, hey, i better
This pilot, hovering above a swimming pool, now being used to douse the flames further down the hill. These homes, some distance from the destroyed coastal town of lahaina, are in the centre of the island where, last week, just before the fires, the cameras at this Bird Sanctuary captured a bright flash. Staff believe it is a tree falling on a powerline. Shortly afterwards, flames can be seen in the forest. Ross hart saw something similar before his home burned down. We could hear some trees falling here and there in the distance. One big one fell here on the bridge and it knocked over the powerlines. And then you saw the house. You could see it burn . I saw it begin to burn and they wouldnt let me stay to watch it. They were dragging me out because the embers were starting to come over my truck and stuff. Questions are now being asked about whether lives might have been saved. Should mauis power grid have been turned off . Could more have been done to Sound The Alarm . For many of tho