Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Context with Christian Fraser 20240708

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Asleep, remember, and was clearly startled, reached for a gun. A gun. He had a legal permit to carry. When he did, police shot him to death. It all took less than 15 seconds. His mother spoke to my colleague. Just minutes ago. I want everybody to know that my son is going to make sure that everybody across the United States is going to be able to sleep on the couch without having to be worried about being executed by the police. Yes. Yes. Friday, minneapolis mayor announced a moratorium on no knock warrants in the city. Minnesota Attorney General promising to review the case. What else can we do as a society to prevent the ongoing senseless shooting deaths of Black Americans . Joining me now. Contributor of the cut and communications at blue state. And activists and host of the pod cast undistracted. Also a political analyst. Talk about the moment were in right now. Another young black man. Dead at the hands of police. And a lot of questions about how this could have happened given the National Attention that has been put specifically on the Minneapolis Police department. In the wake of george floyd murder. I think whenever we have this conversation we have to begin with the fact that amir locke was a human being. Son. A friend. A person with dreams and every single time this happens, those dreams are stolen. That life is stolen by the very systems that we are supposed to seek for our safety and protection. And so, i want to begin there. Always. But what you are pointing to is a pattern. This is a pattern that is guaranteed because of the design of the system. Its tempting to differentiate between wright and floyd and lock. There are a lot of similarities. The patterns will continue. We know that no knock warrants are related deeply to the fact that we have given police authority. In particular controlling black lives and communities. We know that Gun Ownership is so often only reserved for a white people. This is why you can have a Amir Locke A Legal Gun Owner be executed within 15 seconds and Kyle Rittenhouse walk around for a rifle strapped to his chest and be treated differently. When this happened to him, the police once again lied and we see that in so many cases. They tell one story. And the body cam comes out and it proves something different. Whats the point of this . The point is until we interrupt and replace systems, this pattern will continue. I want to remind us that this last election cycle saw over 60,000 minneapolis voters. Thats 40 of eligible voters. They wanted to reconstitute public safety. They want to reconstitute transform and replace the system. They fully understand were going to be engaged in this pattern until we fully disrupt it. The mayor of minneapolis imposed a moratorium on no knock warrants. Your thoughts . I think its frankly past time. We understand there are loopholes to these laws. There was an imposition placed on no knock warrants at least to a certain extent. Across the state. Yet this still happened. Still a judge that signed off on the warrant. While we are tinkering around with this regulation or that regulation. Or this use of force policy. We have to be looking at the entire thing. And recognize that there is a department of police in many cities across the country that are sifenning off millions sp millions of dollars from other worthy things that keep communities Violence Free and safe from the ground up every day. And while theyre siphoning off the money, they are not making us more safe, they are often the ones introducing the violence into the community. Once again we have to finally get to the root. If we want to uproot the trend. You werent supposed to be onto today to talk about amir. You were supposed to talk about ten years since 17 yearold Trayvon Martin shot and killed walking in a Gated Community in florida. Its not lost on any of us the line you can draw from to the other. Talk about the organizing that has transpired in the time and spanned those ten years. And where there has been forward motion. And where there is still so much more work to be done. You know, its heartbreaking to think ten years ago myself, britney, countless other people who you have seen on this show were in the streets demanding that black lives be considered worthy. And that black lives be safe from policing. And since then we have seen countless disappointments. From george floyd to eric gardener. To breonna taylor. We have gotten reminder after reminder our lives are not seen as equal or as valuable. In the eyes of the criminal justice system. So we have seen some changes. We have seen reform. The most unique and important change to the organizing is we have moved from place of demanding reform to demanding app abolition. There is no world in which we can be safe when violence against black people is so natural to the system and history of policing. Plenty of reforms attempted in minneapolis. And yet and still the minneapolis mayor legislated no knock raids after eric garner. If this is evidence we have to continue to organize towards a world the system of policing we have today no longer exists, there is no other evidence to look at. You have wrote recently when we hit the streets after the killings of trayvon and freddy gray, we were demanding that black children be free from racist policing. A general while powerful demand. Ten years later after countless broken promises reckoning only with Police Violence is a cop out. Someone like you who started as an organizer, found yourself inside of a electoral politics thinks that was going to be the theory of change. Theres so much frustration. Why has congress they had the opportunity to act. They had the opportunity to fix this system. Why have they failed . We are not learning the lessons of history. Were evading the lessons and relying on the same old tactic and strategies of the past. To get us out of the Mess Chlts Innovation takes work. Rethinking our systems takes real desire to see something different. Its clear now than ever before that we have to completely uproot the system from the root. Its called radical change. And systemic change requires radical approach from the people in power. Being radical takes work. It takes time. We know that some of the electives dont have the time or energy to really invest in the kind of justice that our community needs. Thats the reason why its important to organize outside of the electoral politics. Nothing happens of course unless we get into the booths and vote. Theres so much that can happen outside of the booths. Evolution and how we think about justice. The reason why that quote so important to me why its so important to reflect on ten years ago we began in a place where we thought reform was of the way to go. Now we know that without a complete uprooting of the system, there is no justice. And that alone feels like a really profound and unique way forward. Radical change takes work and time, frequently a guest on this program and others wrote this. Black americans experience disproportionately higher rates of high blood pressure. Heart disease and diabetes. Among other potentially Deadly Health problems. Understand too the weathering hypothesis. Racism and oppression large and small slowly chip away at Black Americans physical health. Over the course of our lives. She says existing as a black person is an act of resis tense. Tell me more. It is. I think that the pieces like the ones they wrote in this tenth Anniversary Edition of the cut are so critically important. I have had how many iphones in the last ten years. We know that innovation is possible. Its possible urgently. If we actually examine what we place value on. To her point, we have not been placing value on the importance of black life. Black humanity and black dignity. Despite how much we can continue to give to the country and the globe every single day. We do that, we gift culture and we create trends and we gift brilliant vaccines. And we help lead transformation across the world. In every single field. And we do that even while we are constantly being weathered and battered down. By the consistency of antiblackness and racism across the country. Imagine how much further all of us could be if black folks contribute free of that burden. If we could build our communities free of those additional challenges. That is the kind of world that will require the radical imagination and change. And that is the kind of world that frankly will benefit us. Im as always grateful for both of you. Thank you for your time. Next, continuous denial how the gop continues to push the big lie and switch up the messaging when it comes to what exactly unfolded during the january 6th riot. Anonymous testimony surfaced thanks to an anonymous Instagram Account. About Workplace Culture on capitol hill. Well dive into that story. And school board insanity. Local School Boards around the country have become a cesspool for right wing conspiracy theories. What you can do to fight back. Diving deeper into the jobs report. Men are back in the work force. Back to prepandemic levels. Why arent women following suit . Were just Getting Started here on American Voices. Start hed start hed on American Voices. I dont know. I think they look good, man. Mm, smooth. Uh, they are a little tight. Like, too tight . Might just need to break em in a little bit. You dont want em too loose. For those who were born to ride theres progressive. With 24 7 roadside assistance. Okay. Think im gonna wear these home. 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At last, a diet pill that actually works. Go to golo. Com to get yours. Republican leaders now walking a tight rope. As they navigate the future inside a part reshaped in the image of donald trump. On friday former Vice President mike pence called trump wrong. For trying to have pence over turn president bidens election victory. Also worth noting what he didnt say. Pence failed to call 2020 a free and fair election. This morning on meet the press, pences former Chief Of Staff said pence still has quote significant concerns about the election even after publicly rebuking trump. When did you conclude that all of the potential allegations out there were baseless . Im not sure all the allegations out there were baseless. Im not confident. The reality is the constitution role of the Vice President of the United States. He was following the 12th Amendment and electoral count act. And doing his duty. Which is what hes required to under the oath to the constitution to defend it. Well beyond inflaming the big lie. On friday the rnc called the Ngs Into January 6 A Quote Persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse. Yep. Joining me now. National correspondent. Political contributor and congressional reporter for Washington Post. It is great to see you all. I think about that sound, right, and i think about contrast to the sound from pence. And all i can think is they are trying to have their trump and eat it too. Best way to put it. Thats exactly whats happening. They are working to find ways to make sure that they can continue to Say Something fishy happened in the 2020 election. But not going as far as donald trump has. Talking about how he wanted in his words not mine, mike pence to overturn the will of the voters and recent statement. Trying to and have been for a year ways to do that. For those of us paying attention to this, who have been a studying the and covering this. It doesnt its hard to square that. We know that trumps own Intelligence Agencies the folks that who make sure that our elections stay secure, secretaries of state and other states who were republicans. Said this is a free and fair and safe election. So that is something the Republican Party is trying to do. They do know that they cant piss off trump voters trying to find ways to not deal with donald trump. That is something mike pence and mike short. Mitt romney. Will be the faces of the resistance within the Republican Party as they try to figure out how 2024 and even before then and 2022 and how much they allow donald trump to continue to take over this party. What we have seen with the rnc did and censured the two members of congress. Who are on the select committee. They are already said this is the party of domd trump. Mike pence and mark short they have a huge battle in front of them to try to take back the soul of the party. And might prove impossible the entire apparatus is behind donald trump. Theres more than one way to attack a democracy. Theres what happened in january 6. There was the lead up to january 6th. Theres also what we watched short just do. Continue to sew doubt in our fair and free election. That is also damming. We have a short list of Congressional Republicans who are denouncing the notion that january 6th was quote legitimate police cal discourse. Are there republicans willing to go a step further . So far we really havent heard much from the republicans. Of course we always turn to those ten republicans on the house side who did vote to impeach. And the other seven on the senate side. Who did vote to impeach. They tend to be the ones who will Say Something. Go a little bit further. Or at least as what we saw after cheny were censured. We saw some senators say wait, why are we kicking people out . Theyre doing their constitutional duty and protecting democracy. Its unlikely well hear more from that. And something that is interesting and in terms of whats playing out on the hill is that the rnc took this action against kinzinger and liz cheney. They have been calling for such action like that. For months. And its gotten to the point where they really want to see mccarthy step up and actually kick those two out of the conference. Not allow them to attend meetings. Not they tend to do that anymore. Mccarthy is actually stayed silent even on that issue. A number of reporters asking him on friday what do you think that republicans have kicked out two members who are still party of the conference . Asked him repeatedly. He never answered. And part of that is because its tends to be his style. Not to talk about these things. Publicly. But these are questions that are going to continue and hes someone who maybe speaker. If the House Majority flips. And he wants the attention to be on biden and the other campaign attacks they have been trying to pile on. Its difficult to do that when a lot of the attention is still on the future of the Republican Party. As trump likes to see it. Talk about democrats. Is their feelings theyll step out of the way and let it play out for republicans . In the short term, certainly. If not just step out of the way then try and amplify it as much as possible. Certainly not get in the way of messaging. Democrats see it, we really have to keep in mind that the midterms are coming up. And the head winds are democrats. President biden is not very popular at the moment and a lot of stuff going on. Democrats are not thrilled about in terms of national dynamics. They are concerned about losing the house in particular. And then therefore losing control of things like the january 6 investigative committee. As far as they see it, sure. Its an opportunity to turn to real voters and say, look at this party that you are considering voting for. The Republican Party stands for now. They wont agree the election was legitimate and even beyond that if you bring up questions about it. You are essentially excommunicated from the party. Theyre trying to make sure people are seeing this happen in realtime. I dont know Many Democrats who are convinced that will be sufficient. To help them keep the house. Because of course there are again National Head winds and certainly dynamics economic and otherwise. And you see Democrats In The House particular saying enough is enough. And retiring. But absolutely, they see this as well lets see this is actually this is what were seeing now is the dynamic being had out in public that they have been seeing in private. On the republican side. For many months now. Interesting to watch it all spill out. You are all sticking with me. Next, what to make of an Instagram Account called dear white staffers. It becomes a sounding board for current and former aids. Anonymously sharing their experiences working in the halls of congress. 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Congressional staffers are sharing ugly secrets of working on capitol hill. Instagram account called dear white staffers was created in january 2020. Now has 60,000 followers. The account posted hundreds of anonymous testimony from current and former aidss. Calling out Congress Lack of diversity and low pay. The page does post a number of memes to illustrate what the staffers feel, the testimony is serious and striking. The Washington Post reports quote one testimony talked about meetings where members ate lunch. Staffers stood with their backs against the wall and couldnt eat or sit. A member threw a pair of reading glasses al them after bringing the wrong pair. A survey about found 86 of nonmanagement respondents and 80 of managers said theres a toxic Work Environment in congress. In the wake of this Instagram Account, members are taking notice. Representatives alexandria ocasiocortez have voiced support for staffers to unionize. My panel is back. You did some of this reporting, how did this Instagram Page grab more attention in recent days . I mean, it has been a around since early 2020. And somehow in the past week, it has quadrupled in followers. Even in i think when i posted that story back on friday it had 25,000. Now its over 70,000. And it just keeps growing. And a lot of the reason why is there was already a community following this page. There were a lot of memes being posted. But once kind of the flood gates opened up, when this staffer, we dont know who runs the page. Posted a question open to all followers saying what are some of the best offices to work on capitol hill . And people started to respond. And then the opposite question was posed. Which are the worst offices to work at on capitol hill . And that kind of opened the flood gates. For many people to talk about specific offices, talk about their own experiences. Of course current and former staffers on the hill. And also grievances we have heard for a long time. The fact they on most i think on average most staffers get paid 56,000. Many lower tier staff, entry level jobs actually start at 27,000. Of course these are all economic grievances that bubbled up even more so. Given inflation and the high rent. In washington d. C. The pandemic. So it really became a place of for a lot of poem to find commonality. And experiences and feel validated. Now it seems like coming together is allowing them to raise their voice and potentially have change on capitol hill. As i was reading the article you answered a question. In the article which is as you said a lot of this isnt new. A lot of this is stuff people have been raising the flag on for years. You write this comes at a time where hill aides are becoming Increasely Demoralized over the inability to affect Public Policy making in a partisan environment that traditionally embraced a pay your dues mentality. The people replying seems to be current and former democratic staffers. Those whom are current staffers they are just think about january 6th, a lot of staff had still been dealing with the trama from from. A lot of democratic staffers are trying to figure out how to walk the hall ways with republicans who continue to deny the trama. As legitimate. Thats one part of it. Its likely the democrats will lose the House Majority. And the number of members i think its almost 30 who have said theyre not running for reelection. Some aide put it to me, its the great resignation. Not only are members leaving, but staff. A lot of higher tier staff. Are already heading towards the exit. If not gone already. Not to mention the part when it comes to legislation, they are demoralized at least on the house. The people putting in hours of work. Whether its Writing Legislation or helping your member. And democrats we saw the in fighting that took months to get build back better passed and also the infrastructure deal. For joe mansion around the holiday to say this build back better bill im not for it. I dont like it. A lot of those democratic staffers said wait, what was the point of all of that . The low pay the hours. The grievances. For the legislation that i worked onto not become law. There are Congress People who are rallying behind staffers saying they should unionize. How seriously are they taking the complaints . I think a lot of these members of congress are actually not surprised by a lot of the complaints. They have been hearing them quietly for quite sometime. A lot of this is not a surprise to people on capitol hill. They are surprised its actually coming out in public now. I think they are taking it fairly seriously. The idea there could be a unionization push. Whats not clear is what the contours of the push would be. Of course you have half capitol hill republicans not always so friendly to the labor movement. And not quick to unionize it. Thats where the staffers are. Theres absolutely a lot more attention to this than members were expecting. And they dont like to talk about their own offices like this. Its making a lot of members uncomfortable. In way that frankly is good for progress for the people who are making the complaints. And finally exposing the difficult workplaces. I think that we might start to see some significant changes in culture. On capitol hill. As a direct response. In terms of longer term culture change, its going to take serious time to have real change. Final thoughts . This is something that has been happening all around the nation and around the planet. As we have been in this pandemic. People rethink the way they think about work. What theyre willing to accept. When they decide theyre fed up, speaking out. Thats what were seeing here. This is not new. We have been hearing about these things for years. And all of a sudden you have staffers former staffers and current willing to Say Something. This is something that has been a decades of cultural change. And in washington d. C. When you talk about how expensive it is to live here. And people that do the heavy lifting on capitol hill are the staffers. The folks who actually write a lot of the legislation. Who have a allowed the conversations with constituents. To stand up and take power back and say we need to be paid. And treated better by the people that we elect to the country. To serve the country. That is a really important step in treatment in d. C. Interesting to think about how if the Culture On Capitol Hill changed how that might actually change the results of what capitol hill is able to render. All right. Thank you all. Next, School Boards are the latest target of conservative politics. So much so that one superintendent in colorado is forced out of his job. Plus the Committee Investigating the attack on the capitol ups the anteand takes a new approach. It plans on using tactics typically used against mobsters and terrorists. An attorney representing the family of amir locke the man shot and killed by police in minneapolis. Discuss the path forward to justice. Tonight 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Right here on msnbc. N msnbc. Dis insuring your jet skis. And boat. Rv. Life. Home and more. You could save up to fortyfive percent. man thats a whole lot of discounts. burke well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. kid sup, dad burke seventeencar garage you got there . We are farmers bumpadum, bumbumbumbum people with moderate to severe psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the way they exaggerate the surprises they initiate. Otezla. Its a choice you can make. 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Leadership that allows the closing of schools, mask on children, and removes the freedom of parents to choose what is best for their child, is not truly leadership that values teachers or kids. Implementation of the mask mandate went really far. There were reports of Walking Halls and making sure masks are on kids and just turning teachers into mask police. This is about students, parents and teachers and most of all, parent voice and education. Conservative school board in douglas county, colorado. The latest to fire their district superintendent. As the far right continues to dig its claws into the education system. Superintendents are under so much pressure from angry School Boards that the National Association of superintendents has launched a Support Net Work for members. Oregon the stat introduced a bill to protect superintendents from termination without cause. These clashes over School Leadership are about more than culture wars. They are a sign of how the far right is tightening its grip on the gop. Across the u. S. The same groups that stormed the capitol are now seeking control of school districts. According to the Washington Post, the 3 has won five school board states in washington state. The nation reports proud boys have shown up to School Board Hearings on both coasts. Even the q anonmovement. They believe democrat are satanic pedophiles. Infiltrating School Boards. The founder sharing this testimony with the Arizona School board. Communism is encoaching on our country. Communist School Boards indoctrinating our children with transsexual propaganda and teaching them to be rasist against white people. To be clear, Critical Race Theory is not about hating white people. Its a College Level analysis of racism in the institutions and has absolutely nothing to do with joe biden. A 2018 study found School Board Members tend to be from whiter, wealthier and better educated neighborhoods than the rest of the district. A mother jones argues School Boards have often supported white supremacy. Writing quo throughout history the sin of educators moving towards racial progress without white consent. Banning together on a school board or committee to erase unwanted black people texts. Stay with us. People texts people texts stay with us people texts staywe discover exciting new technologies. Redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. Basically, choose what we want our future to look like. So whats yours going to be . When i get a migraine, i shut out the world. But with nurtec odt thats all behind me now. Nurtec can treat and prevent migraines. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. The most common side effects were nausea and stomach pain and indigestion. Ask your doctor about nurtec today. Johnson johnson is building a future and stomach pain and indigestion. 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Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything. Woman talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Tide pods ultra oxi one ups the Cleaning Power of liquid. O your dermatologist about skyrizi. Can it one up whatever theyre doing . For sure. Seriously . One up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. Any further questions . Uh uh one up the power of liquid with Tide Pods Ultra oxi. Before the pandemic, School Board Races didnt receive a ton of attention. With voter turn out rarely above 10 . Today, School Board Elections have become a political battleground. Republicans push for Party Affiliation to appear on the ballot. Washington post writing of the gop school Board Strategy quote conservatives are once again growing their influence within one of the most you arent rated power structures in american politics. Joining me now to discuss. The cofounders of run for something. And run for something civics. Great to see you both. From your perch, how do you view what it is republicans are doing when it comes to School Board Races . Republicans are trying to build long term sustainable power. They are trying to make sure what our kids are learning in schools will cultivate the kind of citizens who grow up to be long term republican voters. 20 or 30 years ago, the founder of the christian Moral Majority said i would rather have 1,000 School Board Members than 1 president. They understand exactly how important the offices are. They have been investing in them for decades. We reached a point its coming into light and people who care about our kids learning empathy and compassion and accurate telling of history have to get in the fight too. Otherwise were at the crisis for what it means for the future of the democracy. Help us understand. Republicans have been making this investment over the long haul. What have democrats been doing . A lot of nothing. Id like to say that we have been keeping up but we havent. A thing to think about here is the Republican Party is in year 35 of a 40 year plan. The Democratic Party is probably in year five or six. Of that same 40 year plan. Tell me how do you play catch up . A lot of get out there and hustle. To be totally honest. This year, run for something is going to endorse 700 candidates across the country. And we need in all of the above strategy. To get to make sure were Recruiting Folks and making sure that theyre running good campaigns. And that means that not just the party is going to need to get involved but also donors need to make sure they are prioritizing the 2022 election the way they prioritized 2020. Some of this is about strategy. Some is about funding. Were in this unique moment we have all watched these videos of School Board Members be threatened. Some even attacked. We know there are School Board Members many of whom are volunteers. Just retiring. They dont want to deal with this anymore. How do you make the case to someone its still worth running for a seat . We need good people to run. Otherwise the absolute worst people are going to replace in the openings. There are Something Like 20,000 School Board Races on the ballot. This year. Half of them are november. Half of them occurred other points throughout the year. We desperately need good people to run for the positions. Efb though its scary. It might be dangerous. The alternative is so much worse. Theres power in numbers here. If good people run, run for something will have yar back and be a net work of share your values and support you. Be and feel safe. Connect you to other people running. We have to get in there. We cannot leave it up to the alternative. You follow Down Ballot Races across the country besides School Boards where are you seeing the far right really place their bets . Local elections administrators. Something like 2 or 3,000 of the position on the ballot this year. They are trying to make sure people who want to under mine democracy and subvert the 2024 election are in place. Theyre running for things like city and counsel clerk. County recorder of deeds. Tax assessor. Election judge. The kinds of positions that determine what happens in the president ial and senate and governors and congressional races. Both in 2022 and 2024 and if democracy survives beyond that. They want to make sure people who run for positions and win can control out comes before a candidate gets on the ballot. If i understand correctly, someone who followed the work that the two of you have done for a long time. When you step back, it seems republicans have understood that there are some very unsexy, not high profile traditionally positions they can invest in that will help them meet their strategy out come. And the investment on the part of democrats has been really aimed at the federal level. And winning things like governor. What would it take, if not in this moment, then when, to make that strategic pivot to where the party is placing its resources. Yeah, i think the way that we need to think about this is there was an unprecedented amount of investment in the 2020 election. Donors, political operatives, volunteers. Everyone was mobilized to beat donald trump. We need to treat every single election with that kind of urgency. There were elections in 2021, there will be elections in 2022. And elections in 2023. And so on. Every single year theres an election. There are no off years. We need to make sure were investing in the things that actually like provide significant out comes. And the other piece here thats really important to note is that investing in a Down Ballot Race is significantly less expensive. Than investing in a 70 or 80 Million Senate race. I need to ask you, to that last point. I imagine this is the push back that you get a lot. Resources are finite. If you are going to begin spending resources on these races, then where are democrats choosing not to invest . We reject the premise. The amount of money in politics keeps going up. Year over year. We can always find more money. Theres an argument to be had separately. Theres always more money po find. We know that these local races help the rest of the ticket. We did research and found competing locally can help juice turn out for the top of the ticket. 1 to 3 or more. Theres so much work that can be done by investing small. That will help us win big. And lay the ground work for the future elections. Are happening on fair and free and unrigged maps that allow us to have a chance to win in 2024. And beyond. Thank you both. Next, full circle. Rnb singer and song writer got his start at the gramny museum. His success is bringing him back. The Republican National Committee Decision to censure two of its own for loyalty to the constitution other than trump. Gop lawmakers speak out against their party today. Later, what is happening with facebook . Logging the biggest one day wipe out ever. A conversation in the next hour of American Voices. N the next n the next of American Voices. Or an intense burning sensation. What is this nightmare . Its how some people describe. Shingles. A painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. Forget social events and weekend getaways. If youve had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. 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Hes on fire. Hooe nominated for six grammys this year. Full circle for him. His career started at the Grammy Museum in los angeles. Eight years ago. I got to catch up with him. At the museum new exhibit. Songs of conscience. Sounds of freedom. My name is given. Im from long beach, california. Because of the museum i knew i wanted to make music that would live. I koent create with the idea of i want to be hot. Today. Singer and song writer is already on his way to that dream. Sold out concert and scores of chart toppers, no, maam naxs and awards. Hes currently nominated for five grammys for the song peaches with justin bieber. Best song of the year for his own heartbreak anniversary. And it all started here. This is very comfortable place for wrou. My second home. I have been coming here since i was 18. From an early age, his mom heard Something Special in his voice. And encouraged him to take classes at the museum in downtown los angeles. The first week i felt like a kid in a candy store. He always wrote songs. But had a hard time finding an out let for his bar tone voice. With the environment i was in. It was west coast rap. Or old school rnb. At the museum school, he learned about a classic voice he could relate to. Fly me to the moon i wouldnt be the artist i am. I looked it up and listened and heard a voice, singing about flying to the moon. I was like, that was my first time hearing a baritone singer. His teachers encouraged him to give it a shot. After working for five years as a server at bubba gumps shrimp, success and fame found him. When his debut album take time received a gramny nominations last year. For best album. How is that a game changer . Confidence. I walked straighter. Going into the next album. After being sidelined by the pandemic, his first tour finally introduced him to his fans. Tell me about the tour. A dream come true. My first headline tour. Every venue sold out. And they knew all the words. The london fans went wild. For tonight. When did you look out to the audience and go, i got traction here . The show in london. At this point im in another country. A kid from long beach. He started his tour at the museum. Which opened in 2008. To showcase musical exhibits. Art, Recording Technology and history. Its so important for us to represent our local community. Wholistically. Looking at the Music History of los angeles. This is the epicenter of the industry. The major labels are here. The Grammy Awards are held here. He says that as a nominee, hes grateful. And humble by his years studying grammy history here. The idea of being on this side now. When i was on this side. Its such an amazing full circle moment. I sat right there. I want to come back and talk to kids. One of the 18 yearolds might be in the front row. The day i sat with him he just heard about going triple platinum. And getting nominated for two naacp image awards. April 3 Grammy Awards could be continue the windfall for the crooner. Who you agree is flying to the moon. What an amazing story. Thank you so much for bringing it to us. A new hour of American Voices starts right now. This hour the republican way attacking the truth, siding with the lies, where does the new alignment with trumpism take us . Plus americas unique story with covid19. 900,000 dead. What went wrong and what is the way back to normal . Good news on the economy. Revealing a dark truth for women. We explain why they arent getting back to work the same rate as men. As Facebook Battle For Domination Led to its downfall . Ill ask the reporter who wrote the book on it. Lets begin with how the Republican Party is now turning a press release into on camera political theater. Talking point that is are nothing more than an attack on the truth. Started by trump. Backed up by the rnc. Spewed b

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