Power of the office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring and injuring the national interest. Or acts in ways that are grossly inconsistent with and undermine the separation of powers that is the foundation of our democratic system. Now, these this question of whether president engaged in abuse of power came up before when this congress considered the impeachment of president nixon. And after action was taken, president nixon famously said if the president does it, it is not illegal. And this body rejected that because thats not so. That goes directly contrary to what the founders said. But President Trump has said the same thing in responding to the prior investigation by Department Of Justice and defending his conduct. Here is what he said then i have an article, too, where i have to write to do whatever i want as president. That he has the right to do
whatever he wants as president. That is as wrong as when president nixon said a similar thing. That is not what the c
Whatwe that means, its to use e power of the office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring orfi injuring the national interest, or acts in ways that are grossly inconsistent with and undermine the separation of powers that is the foundation of our democratic system. Now, this question of whether the president engaged in abuse of power came up before when this congress considered the impeachment of president nixon. And president nixon famously said, if the president does it, it is notde illegal. And this body rejected that because thats not so. That goes directly contrary to what the founders said. But President Trump has said the same thing in responding to the prior investigation by the Department Of Justice and defending his conduct. Heres what he said. I have an article 2 where i have the right to do whatever i want as president. That he has the right to do whatever he wants as president. That is as wrong as when president nixon said a similar thing. That is not what
(CNMI House leadership) — The leadership of the House of Representatives issued the following statement in response to Senate President Jude Hofschneider’s letter Wednesday, April 6, 2022:
discussed calling. you may be confident that they will do right or however you put it, by president trump, president trump may have redoubted that s the case. and we heard they will in the last couple weeks put out the word that they re not sure it is necessary to have witnesses. they may have a sense that calling the witnesses would not be to his benefit. and this has been built on the impeachment record of the testimony of administration witnesses. i don t know that that was anticipated at the time. so it may be that the president is not eager this president is not eager to have an encore of that performance? you must be right because he has kept them from testifying to this point. if there s one thing we know about this president, if he thinks it s good for him, he d be pushing for it. thank you so much to are bringing to bear your understanding of the law as it applies in this case. thank you.
what i know. that s what i d like to do here if at all possible. it can conduct a trial on the basis of the house record, can conduct a trial or with a limited number of witnesses, o are a good number of witnesses. it can depose witnesses and not bring them to the floor or perhaps bring them to the floor. the senate has an enormous amount of flexibility. as for administration witnesses that senator schumer has discussed calling. you may be confident that they will do right or however you put it, by president trump, president trump may have questions whether that s at case and so they would have a sense that this impeachment record in the house that s been built has been built on the testimony of administration witnesses. i don t know that that was anticipated at the time. so it may be that the president