KOHIMA The president of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Nagaland state, Temjen Imna Along, on Monday claimed that the government under Prime Minister Narendra during the past nine years is about the ‘most successful leadership’ in India after Independence. He was ddressing a press conference at the BJP State Head office in Kohima in commemoration of nine years of PM Modi’s government. He said that 2023 marks nine years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government and the period has been dedicated towards bringing about development which is inclusive, progressive, and sustainable. The central government under Modi has been steadfast in its commitment towards creating equity and opportunity for all citizens, he said while asserting that the PM Modi brought the politics of development – Vikasvaad – into the mainstream, making it the focal point around which political discourse and policy action now revolves. ‘Since assuming office in 2014, PM Modi has remained firm in
The Dimapur Naga Students Union (DNSU) has expressed concern over the state government’s failure to start the proposed Science block at Dimapur Government College, which was inaugurated on November 12, 2020.