having reached out to our families and all the remembrance project stolen lives during the campaign, neil and he has kept his promise. in fact, he created the office of voice, victims of immigration crime engagement as a promise to the remembrance project and our angel families. so there s no comparison. neil: when do you think in fact, all news networks were on this as it started, but two others quickly left it. i m not here to judge my fellow journal itsists and that s a slippery slope. but separation of these families, do you think that s fair? no, and it s nothing new. thanks to president trump they are the fake news, they re pushing their agenda and they don t care about the children. both side of the aisle are talking about the democrats who
data base where anyone dpind the names and locations of human trafficking victims provided by the government? well, no trick question here. the answer is it s not normal. fwhut is now a reality in the trump administration. in turn, some say victims are facing additional danger. here s the story. in april you may recall president trump signed an executive order called voice for an agency within dhs that is the 5:00 row name, victims of immigration crime engagement. now voice is state the purpose is to support the victims of crimes specifically committed by undocumented aliens. the agency even set up a toll free hotline for callers to report crimes and identify potential criminals. now some people lashed out on twitter calling this alien day. tweets suggesting the trump administration was basically treating immigrants liken my extra trest rals yak i plan on calling every day to report how badly these green aliens from outer space are treating me. how about you?
whether it targeted a particular victim but rather by who is doing the crime. here is a new program voiced that trump unveiled during his speech to congress. i have ordered the department of homeland security to create an office to serve american victims. the office is called v.o.i.c.e., victims of immigration crime engagement. we are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. having the government count or publicize crimes by undocumented immigrants as opposed to all crimes is a posture that actually grew out of trump s campaign, where he emphasized immigrant crime, peopwith family families who have had someone killed by immigrants. i m going to ask angel moms
united states in that moment. jesse: when chris wallace and tom brokaw all agree, that is what i call consensus. members of the democratic party, it during the speech, exposed themselves for what they truly represent. not only did some sit on their hands during his powerful acknowledgment of ryan owens widow, but their behavior at other moments raise questions about their loyalty to the country. intel, walmart and many others have announced they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the united states. they will create tens of thousands of new american jobs. [applause] i have ordered the department of homeland security to create an office to serve american victims the office is called voice. victims of immigration crime
person who killed your son with the death of your son. anybody who supports sanctuary cities. three gun charges, he was sigh tan s disciple and leading the country in the gang database. come on, man, do your damn job. just get him out of here. reporter: shaw has been fighting to get jamil s law passed that targets, undocumented immigrants who join gangs. fast forward to 2015 and shaw got a chance to hand his proposal to then candidate donald trump. then in president trump s joint address to congress, he recognized shaw and offered this. i have ordered the department of homeland security to create an office to serve american victims. the office is called voice victims of immigration crime engagement. reporter: some democrat s groaned and booed the new office. i took it as an insult. why wouldn t it be a good idea to have a department set up for those people. for victims? obama was using that same