sense of a nation, it was a unified nation. was it highly politicized back then? some are arguing, you re demagoguing against chinese because of politics? the majority wanted to get race out of the definition of citizenship, they felt this was a legacy of slavery to limit one race or another race. they wanted to go to this universal notion of who can be an american. to be an american is not to be a member of a particular race, a particular people, a particular religion, it s to accept the principles of american government, of democracy of liberty, and anybody can two that. and the children of illegal immigrants can do that, they can grow up to become good american citizens, there s no reason they can t. in fact the people in congress who are trying to change the 14th amendment, are in effect refuting what this senator from arizona says. if the 14th amendment doesn t apply to illegal aliens
and then you have the case in 1942 why do you want to change the why do you want to abuse it? it was never intended wait a minute, if it s wrong, it s unconstitutional. you ask me why i want to change it, let me tell you why. the 14th amendment is the constitution, the 14th amendment can t be unconstitutional, it is the constitution. if in fact it that s a great spin. one at a time. let me paul, let paul go ahead and then i ll let you respond. paul? okay. part of the constitution cannot be unconstitutional. well, illogic. that s fine. second, if it only applies to african-americans, which is clearly wrong. and the senator is wrong on his reference. you don t need to change it. he wants it, and some others, senator kyl, senator from arizona has picked this up, senator lindsey graham of south carolina has become a big talking point among some in the republican party. the notion that we re going to
like trying to push a train. first you had to catch it while it raced toward you. now with the cap on top, it s more like the train is stopped, although it s still very hard to push it backward or down, it s not as hard. anderson? if the static kill works and they pump the cement into the well, why would they continue with the relief well as they planned to, to be extra safe? yeah, that s really it. i mean, basically this is about redundancy, there s more to plug here also, than just the main pipe. you may recall, anderson, how we stood about this spot sometime back and i said near the top of the well, the pipe is about aswi wide as a big garbage can u would use in your yard, but it tapers as it goes down deeper. where they plan to hit it is only about this wide, maybe seven inches across. and this pipe sits inside of an outer sleeve. even if you seal the inner pipe, there s a lot of room for oil to maybe leak through around it. in fact, if you do the page on
has that been vingdy indicated by the fact that he slinked away seeing the public resistance? i want to talk about maxine waters, charlie rangel, both facing charges of violating congressional ethics. should they step aside for the good of the democratic party? heck no. i m a dissenter on this. you think they should go to trial and play it out in trial? you bet. you bet. wow! they are entitled to a defense. we heard the charges against them, they are very serious, and they are troubling. but they have a right to defend themselves. for goodness sakes, if an accused terrorist has a right to defend himself, why doesn t a member of congress? i don t think it hurts the democrats either, they have so many problems because of unemployment and the economy. by the time you get to their ethics problems i would hasten to add on the republican side you have senator ensign embroiled in a tawdry scandal, senator vitter of louisiana, his opponent i did some consulting