The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday attached a demand draft of Rs 10.29 crore issued to the All India Trinamool Congress party by the Alchemist Group, which is currently under investigation by the central agency. The ED, Delhi zonal office, announced the provisional attachment on Monday evening, revealing that the amount in question was part of the ongoing investigation into the offense of money laundering by the Alchemist Group and others., India News, Times Now
A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court on Monday issued a bailable warrant against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Parliament, Pragya Singh Thakur, who is the main accused in the 2008 Malegaon blast case. The warrant, issued on March 11, comes as a consequence of Thakur's repeated non-compliance with court appearances during the trial, despite prior warnings., India News, Times Now
An NDRF team will be starting the rescue operations by digging a new borewell parallel to the borewell in which the child has fallen. , Delhi News, Times Now
As Asif Ali Zardari returns to office as Pakistan's president, Imran Khan's party - PTI- have alleged foul play. As per local reports, Omar Ayub Khan, the party leader for PTI, has urged the Election Commission to Pakistan to declare the results of the presidential elections as "null and void". , World News, Times Now
Miss World 2024 Winner: Czech Republic's Krystyna Pyszkova is the 71st Miss World. The 24-year-old won the Miss World crown competing against contestants from 115 countries. Miss World 2021 Karolina Bielawska of Poland crowned Krystyna Pyszkova as her successor. Lebanon’s Yasmina Zaytoun was declared the 71st Miss World Runner Up., Shows News, Times Now