How Acts of Kindness Define Us: New Study Delves into the Minds of Good Samaritans
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A recent study by reveals that people who commit small acts of kindness are not just empathetic - they are also more likely to be resilient, good at resolving conflict, and have high self-esteem.
Aside from being kind, Good Samaritans are also open-minded, insightful, adaptable, and psychologically hardy.
When you commit a truly selfless act, it says a lot about your character. MONTREAL (PRWEB) May 22, 2021 People filming themselves doing good deeds has redefined the definition of “selfless act” and turned the sweet taste of compassion bittersweet. However, opportunists, influencers, and 15-minutes-of-famers aside, there are plenty of good things to say about people who commit small but genuine acts of kindness. A recent study conducted by reveals that good Samaritans have more in c
MONTREAL (PRWEB) April 24, 2021 Perceptiveness is like a superpower. Imagine knowing when someone is telling a boldfaced lie based solely on body language,
Reliance On Extrinsic Incentives - New Study Finds That A Need For Praise Can Make People Apathetic
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A recent study by reveals that too much reliance on extrinsic incentives such as praise, recognition, and approval can breed apathy.
People who rely too much on rewards to keep them motivated will lose momentum as soon as that incentive is taken away.
External incentives such as praise, bonuses or perks can be powerful motivators for many people, but their positive effects are likely to be short-term. MONTREAL (PRWEB) April 10, 2021 A sincere “thank you,” pat on the back, or hearty thumbs up can do wonders for a person’s motivation - and doesn’t cost a dime, making it a win-win for employees and management alike. However, as with other external incentives, praise can be a doubled-edged sword, especially for people who desperately depend on it to keep them going or to boost the