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Conversation going on about using the National Guard on the in the No seriously if there s anything out there we need to know I don t know. If somebody says well yeah that s possible great when did you hear it where did you hear it who said it because you can t answer those questions because you don t really have a story this is Journalism one o one and yet a.p. Takes one source runs with it and everybody else in the administration says no that was never discussed not ever not one time well we have a source that says it was great can you tell us who that source was because that person needs to be fired because they re making crap up Richard Nixon days 11 till to night 599. 2352. 1st Light Radio a g. Mail dot com The e-mail address I have some great letters here I m going to read in my copious time off but here s one from Elaine who says go I agree with them for the 1st time ever but also remember when Democrats were in power and they could to fix this when they had the power so I quit
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