DuPage County school superintendents sent a letter to the state last week related to what they called mismatched guidelines for the quarantining of students. (Shutterstock)
ELMHURST, IL Elmhurst School District 205 s superintendent last week joined her colleagues in DuPage County to push for loosening state rules for quarantining of students.
Superintendent Linda Yonke and others wrote a letter to the Illinois School Board of Education asking to change mismatched guidelines. It s frustrating for us, and it s frustrating for parents, Yonke told the school board this week.
The superintendents noted the reduction of social distancing to 3 feet helped them reopen their schools in the last couple of months.
Teachers are being forced to ultimately support the liberal narrative in public education, a conservative teacher in the Chicago area says. (Photo illustration:
Maskot/Getty Images)
If you want to keep your job as a politically conservative public school teacher, you learn to keep your mouth shut, a Chicago area teacher told The Daily Signal.
Morgan Foster has taught English in middle school and, later, high school in Cook County, Illinois, for about 10 years.
Now in her early 30s, Foster says she has had about all she can take of the progressive ideology being promoted in public education.
“I definitely want out,” Foster said in a recent phone interview, adding that it is “becoming even harder to stay apolitical, or to come across as being neutral.”
UpdatedTue, Mar 2, 2021 at 12:53 pm CT
Elmhurst School District 205 is exempting teachers and other staff from mandatory saliva testing. Students, however, must undergo such screening for in-person learning. (Shutterstock)
ELMHURST, IL Elmhurst School District 205 is requiring students undergo saliva testing for in-person learning, despite state guidance that a district has no legal authority to mandate it.
At the same time, it is exempting teachers and other staff from the testing.
Asked about this exemption, District 205 spokeswoman Beverly Redmond said in an email Tuesday, The vast majority of Elmhurst CUSD 205 staff members have already received their first COVID-19 vaccination and are in the process of receiving their second vaccination, rendering saliva screening unwarranted. Additionally, students are more likely to be asymptomatic when positive than adults.