Of course it's a female Democrat lawmaker from Illinois. Rep. Deb Conroy (D), 46th District, has proposed a new law (HB 4640) that would empower the State of Illinois to round up [.]
UpdatedThu, Apr 29, 2021 at 1:34 pm CT
Renee Pollino, owner of Wheaton coffeehouse My Half of the Sky, is calling for both pro-choice and pro-life activists to come together and protect young girls by urging Illinois’ lawmakers not to repeal the state’s Parental Notice of Abortion Act. (Parents for the Protection of Girls - SaveParentalNotification.com)
Social justice trailblazer Renee Pollino is calling for both pro-choice and pro-life activists to come together and protect young girls by urging Illinois lawmakers not to repeal the state s Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Pollino s message was shared April 23 with legislators by Parents for the Protection of Girls, a coalition of voters concerned about the proposed repeal of the law that was established in 1995 to protect minors.
Capitol News Illinois
SPRINGFIELD A new survey of Illinois school districts shows most are continuing to have trouble filling open teaching positions with qualified teachers and even more are having difficulty hiring substitute teachers.
It’s a problem that has existed in the state for many years and one that experts attribute to a variety of factors, such as low pay and the difficulty in attracting new teachers to work in certain parts of the state.
The survey has been conducted each of the past four years by the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools. Regional superintendents are in charge of supervising schools in the state’s 38 educational regions and operating regional offices of education. They also act as a kind of conduit of information and support between the Illinois State Board of Education and the state’s 853 local school districts.