Illegal parking becomes a problem as crowds increase at Jubilee Park in JSR Jamshedpur during winter. The surge in visitor numbers leads to haphazard and illegal parking, causing accidents. Motorists using the road through the park are the common sufferers.
Wheel clamping is so yesterday. The Chinese have come up with a new solution to get rid of the cars parked illegally that cause trouble to other drivers..
Friday marks the first day of Toronto's parking ticket price hike. Drivers can expect a 150 per cent increase in illegal parking fees on municipal and private lots in the city.
This is the first time that these enforcement rights will be extended to private concessionaires, rather than MCD or the Delhi Traffic Police. | Latest News Delhi
When they questioned the traffic police as to why these abandoned cars are being parked here instead of their designated grounds, they came to know that these cars have been parked here due to the lack of parking space on the designated grounds.