Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stones for projects worth over Rs 68,000 crore in Odisha. The projects included the permanent campus of IIM, Sambalpur, and various infrastructure projects in sectors such as power, roads, and railways.
Prime Minister Modi also inaugurated, dedicated to the nation as he laid foundation stone of projects worth more than Rs 68,000 crore in Sambalpur, Odisha aimed at boosting the energy sector involving natural gas, coal and power generation apart from important projects of road, railway and higher education sector. PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Permanent Campus of IIM Sambalpur (See Pics and Video).
The prime minister is on a visit to Odisha and inaugurated these projects in Sambalpur. Among the sectors being developed are higher education and petroleum as well. An IIM, the foundation state of which was laid by him during the pandemic, has been completed. Modi described this as a significant occasion and maintained these projects will benefit the poor, working class as well as business owners and farmers, and create new employment avenues for the youth.