To president ial libraries and all of the prior directors of the jfk President Library and ,useum have been mentors to me as i have taken on the role. We have announced to the community as a couple of days ago the passing of the very first director of the jfk library. He was a member of the Kennedy Administration. Pride that hel inld share it would glow him, his advocacy of the importance of the Kennedy Administration and the many treasures we had in our building. I love this photograph of the building, it is nighttime. For those who have not yet come to seei believe the us, i believe the library is inspirational in itself and fitting for the life and times and ideas of an inspirational president , the 35th president , president kennedy if you are kennedy. If you are able to come cs, you will see this building, it is facing toward boston harbor. It is a site that will elevate your thoughts, and as you think about what the nation is all about and your role and it and whether you would a
Host also delivered remarks. [applause] thank you so much and for the hard work of your Office Making this event happen that is fantastic work here at the white house people in the know often describe for providing treatment as being in crisis why is in crisis half of the description clicks because 11 million americans upwards of 4 million are receiving no treatment to their lives lost to psychosis untreated serious Mental Illness represents a huge and unnecessary loss of human potential. It also makes our more dire social mission such as random acts of violence and sheltered homelessness Substance Abuse, and the disturbing rise of the rate of suicide i want to emphasize these problems are exacerbated not by serious Mental Illness but exacerbated by serious Mental Illness. Todays historic conversation draws broadly on the expertise of people from many disciplines and experiences and perspectives our goal is to put on the table a robust set of reforms how we go about delivering treatmen
Were standing in the middle of the exhibition titled determined. The 400 year struggle for black equality. This section explores the period from the end of the civil war after the civil war which ended slavery in the united states. Through 1950 and this was period that witnessed both progress and backlash for black americans. After the civil war as black virginiaens and americans embraced new opportunities in the form of ax success to education, new civil rights, political participation, building new communities. Starting new businesses and so forth as on one hand, black lives flourished under the new promises afforded by freedom and american society. Black people also began to suffer backlash from white establishment that wanted to reassert its power, sense of supremacy and its control over people of color. And at the same time we see amazing strides in black process, we also see regress in the form of disenfranchisement and legalized segregation in american society. So well look at f
Why is in crisis half of the description clicks because 11 million americans upwards of 4 million are receiving no treatment to their lives lost to psychosis untreated serious Mental Illness represents a huge and unnecessary loss of human potential. It also makes our more dire social mission such as random acts of violence and sheltered homelessness Substance Abuse, and the disturbing rise of the rate of suicide i want to emphasize these problems are exacerbated not by serious Mental Illness but exacerbated by serious Mental Illness. Todays historic conversation draws broadly on the expertise of people from many disciplines and experiences and perspectives our goal is to put on the table a robust set of reforms how we go about delivering treatment to persons with serious Mental Illness. The Trump Administration has already begun the process of rebuilding our treatment system this very week the president will sign fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill that makes important in the improvem
Why is in crisis half of the description clicks because 11 million americans upwards of 4 million are receiving no treatment to their lives lost to psychosis untreated serious Mental Illness represents a huge and unnecessary loss of human potential. It also makes our more dire social mission such as random acts of violence and sheltered homelessness Substance Abuse, and the disturbing rise of the rate of suicide i want to emphasize these problems are exacerbated not by serious Mental Illness but exacerbated by serious Mental Illness. Todays historic conversation draws broadly on the expertise of people from many disciplines and experiences and perspectives our goal is to put on the table a robust set of reforms how we go about delivering treatment to persons with serious Mental Illness. The Trump Administration has already begun the process of rebuilding our treatment system this very week the president will sign fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill that makes important in the improvem