and it s no surprise because the hormones are really powerful in our brains. and louise, is it a case that some women just won t even notice it? yeah, there are some women who say, you know what, iflew through the menopause, not a problem, didn t have any symptoms. but then often when you ask them directly, do you have as much energy as you used to have? are you sleeping well? have you had any urinary tract infections? do you feel as joyful as you used to or any muscle orjoint pains? and often people go, yeah, but now i m late, fifties or 60. and often people go, yeah, but now i m late, fifties or 60. of course i m going to feel like that. so not everyone has symptoms, but whether a woman has symptoms or not, they still have low hormones and low oestrogen in the body causes inflammation in the body. with low grade inflammation, there s an increased risk of diseases. and this is where i worry as a physician. and louise, as you know, i mean, we re seeing a lot of products and service