apple, amazon, of some big company colleges exist to be an oasis in the middle of idcommercial society for free thinking. so why would they be the places where freethinking is punished most aggressively? i agree that there are many cases you and i actually discussed a case a little while ago where there was a college professor who said something he shouldn t have said, and all of a sudden, people are talking about he needs to be fired, this is why we actually have tenure, to protect people so they can say what it is they want. there have been all of these attacks, people trying to put limits on what it is you say, and i think that ist problemat. but, overall, colleges do protect freedom of speech. tucker: what would happen if you went into your class i like that donald trump, and what i like about w him? i like family separation, i like the wall, he is right that mexico doesn t send us his best. if you read portions of a trump speech. how would that work out? i think studen