full prescription-strength? reduduces inflammation? thank the gods. don t thank them too soooon. kick pain in the aspspercreme. [ ] did you know, unless you treat dandruff regularly, it will keep coming back. try head & shoulders shampoo. dandruff is caed by irritation to a germ that lives on unlike regular shampoo, head & shoulders contains zinc pyriione, which fights the dandrum and helps prevent it from coming back. it s gentle on hair and provides up to 100% dandruff protection, clinically proven. try head & shoulders shampoo and conditioner. for best results, use with every wash. this has been medifacts for head & shoulders. my name is brian delallo. i teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. financial well-being to me is knowing that
Where is Somchai? A brave wife s 17-year quest for the truth
The unresolved case of Somchai Neelaphaijit is in stark contrast to Thailand s beautiful image as the Land of the Free
Posters of missing Thai activists are pasted on a wall in Bangkok in June 2020. (Photo: Mladen Antonov/AFP)
I was taking a train in Manila in March 2004 when I received a call from Munir Said Thalib, then chairperson of my former organization, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances. Munir requested me to issue a statement on the enforced disappearance of Thai lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit on March 12, 2004. It has been exactly 17 years since Somchai involuntarily disappeared.
New year brings rays of hope for families of disappeared
On the brink of despair, humanity must be convinced that losing hope is a blunder
Vendors wearing face masks amid concerns about Covid-19 sit near a bucket for donations on Christmas Eve in Manila. (Photo: Ted Aljibe/AFP)
The year 2020 ended with humankind on bended knees in supplication for the long-awaited end of the coronavirus that continues to plague the world.
The official number of deaths worldwide had reached 1,824,716 at the end of the year. The number of spouses widowed, children orphaned, companies closed and jobs lost demonstrates the enormity of human suffering.
year, including military aircraft. and so the 737 max debacle with the company now grounding or saying that they will not go forward with any more production in january until well, we don t know how long. we suspect it will be three to six months. that was simply the icing on the cake and they decided that the ceo needed to leave. tom costello, nobody knows the story better than you. i appreciate you jumping on the phone with breaking news for us this morning. i appreciate it. you bet. we ve got a christmas surprise the world was watching for, not from santa but kim jong-un. our new nbc news reporting on north korea s new push to try and threaten the u.s. plus 2020 contender pete buttigieg taking fire on a whole bunch of front, everything from a donor email, to aoc s new wine cave shade. we re live on the trail with him coming up. t who caed our hearts.